I am hoping to make a list of Japanese Pikachu promos that involve the seasons of Autumn or Winter. I find these season-specific promos adorable. Perfect examples are the Uniqlo Warm Pikachu Promos and the Sapporo’s Pikachu Promo. Am I missing any? Thank you!
Only Pika Promos?
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Ah sorry I just saw winter theme and got excited!
I wish this wasnt a jumbo lol
@koala @mrbubbles These are great, I knew that I was missing some. Thank you!
@pfm @smpratte @xileets Maybe I should be expanding the search to other Pokemon as well. We have plenty of set cards and promos in Spring/Summer, but few in Winter and almost none in Autumn. Would be neat to get a comprehensive list.
Plasma freeze has a lot of winter cards.
Great Encounters and Majestic Dawn also come to mind - Right away, I can remember Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Weedle, and Granburu from those sets.
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its not japanese!!!
otherwise we also got this