Japanese Charizard BGS 9 will grade PSA 10?

Hi everyone,
I got a nice BGS 9 Japanese base set Charizard with subgrades 8.5-10-9.5-10.
So just 8.5 for centering keeping it from a 10.
Since PSA is not as strict on centering I guess it will get a 10 right?
Any opinions are appreciated!

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It might get a 10, no guarantees though.


Very unlikely but not impossible.

There’s barely any border on the card so I’d say centering will affect it more than a WOTC era card.

That’s the reason I didn’t send mine to PSA, I know it won’t get a 10 because of the centering. They’re lenient, but not that lenient.

An 8.5 is not like it doesn’t have any border, is it? I’m not that experienced with Japanese cards, I’ll post some pictures later today.

Why not show us a picture of the card?

There you go!

I’d say the front is centered not badly and the back might not exceed the 30/70 PSA uses if I’m not mistaking?

That’s not getting a 10.


Front looks exactly like the reason my mint cards got 9s, not centered enough from left to right.

PSA has no clue when it comes to GX cards, send it in and it will pass the 10 centering tests.

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Can’t argue with that when hyper rare english zard has 542 10s.

What would you say looking at the pictures?
No chance, or meh mabye give it a shot :wink:?

PSA 9’s are more desirable, liquid and go for more than BGS 9’s anyways. I’d say this is a no brainer straight up crossover. Expect the 9 and you’ll still make out and I’ve seen many 10’s with worse centering so it isn’t an impossibility. Honestly I’d probably crack and send to PSA instead of crossing as I feel mentally it’d be hard for them to want to cross a BGS 9 to a PSA 10 though its been done in the past by cracking and grading. The time I heard of it happening was similarly a centering grade holding back higher other subs.

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I think crossovers depend on the minimum grade, if you put a 10 they will most likely not even touch it, with a 9 I don’t know, maybe you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage still, but more unlikely. If you put a 1 as minimum grade I think it’s the best results with crossover as you give the grader full freedom to open up the case and then inspect.

What I meant by “straight up crossover” was a crossover lacking a minimum grade or as you said putting 1 for a minimum grade. I still think cracking and then submitting to PSA would be the best route though.

Thanks for all the comments. I’ll probably crack it open and send it to PSA, for shits and giggles!
As soon as I know the grade I’ll post it here.

I’ve send the card in with the help of Ludkins (forgot to mention I found them through here, will do that with the next submission!). They also expect the card to receive a 9, but because of faint silvering specs on the front.
Hope it still might get a 10 but gues not.

More likely to get an 8 though just so you’re prepared:(

I have 9s with centring like that. You might get a 9.