I thought the lottery was supposed to be done at the end of September, but haven’t noticed any new supply in the market over the past month or so. Anyone know if these have been given out yet, or have any more information about them?
Yes @missingno,
Off the top of my head the lottery submissions finished in September but will be distributed in January.
Since the English release the price on these has fallen quite a bit. Before the English release they were floating around 600,000 JPY but in the past month I’m aware of 3 copies which sold as low as 200,000 JPY.
Hmm, I’d love to know where they’re selling for that low / if there are any still available at that price lol. The few I’ve seen on Mercari around 300k, I believe, were structured in two payments due to buyee rules or something like that.
Thanks for the info about them being distributed in January!
I have been keeping track of the Charizard V version which has been floating around 1000 usd. These cards haven’t been getting a lot of attention. I already have a copy but might get another. When the interest is low is usually the right the time to buy.
FYI there are still ongoing HR tournaments until December. They added a handful recently, probably due to covid and low interest.
I was initially expecting them to never sell below 3k. Guess I was wrong. Soo much stuff happened that prevented it from becoming more expensive:
- total release went from 600 to 1200 copies
- same exact card was also printed in English
- many other Zard chase cards released in a short time period
- secondary market demand explosion, but with 99% focus on English Base Zard
Right now I’m a lot more pessimistic about its price trend. Not that I have any stakes in it, as a Zard trophy I just found it a very promising and interesting release (at least before all that stuff happened).