Japanese Gym Deck's (Specifically Koga/Giovanni)

Had another thought while rummaging around on ebay. I was unable to find a japanese variant of both Koga and Giovanni. It seems they cut off production of these two, there isn’t even a listing of why on Bulbapedia, only shows decks 1-4, Sabrina’s and Blaine’s, which I also find odd that they skipped koga and put in the 7th gym instead.

My apologies if this has been answered previously, I was unable to find a previous thread on this subject.


There isn t a koga deck and there isn t all a koga holo trainer card in Japanese
About Giovanni there is an holo one but not sure about the deck

Correct, I am more looking along the lines of why there is not one. Giovanni’s deck could have had some very sweet cards if they wanted to make them. Giovanni’s Rydon/Persian etc. Kind of a disappointment they were never made.