Japanese LE 3,000 Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon VMAX promos

Copied from Pokebeach, just sharing it here: “3,000 Pokemon fans in Japan will receive a set of Eeveelution VMAX promos through a special lottery campaign!”
“Fans simply need to fill out a form that will be available through their official Player Club Accounts from July 21st to September 30th. Fans will be asked to submit a report of a game they’ve played against family or friends. Winners will be selected at a later date.”

I wish I was in Japan. Flareon is so fluffy!


I looooove the Vaporeon but it’s going to be veeery expensive for sure D:


Milotic collectors on suicide watch.


I’m usually a Flareon fan but wow, that Joleton art takes the cake for me. And the background art on the Vaporeon is appealing


To me, they’re all great and pretty close to equal in appeal to me. I agree, Jolteon edges out the rest by a hair. It just reminds me of living in the Midwest as a kid and seeing the thunderstorms outside. Pretty neat I must say. :sunglasses:


3000 is a decent amount of copies so these won’t become too expensive. Look at the e series lottery of the starters at 5000 copies. PSA 10 of the blastoise and Venusuar is still $1000± so these will get start out high and cool off in a few months.


i’m just going to pretend i didn’t see this


What do you mean?

I think this is a severe underestimation of the demand for modern vs vintage. The saving grace here is that it is difficult to believe that these wont be coming to English


I wanted to use the 2019 Mewtwo GX SR example but I believe it wasn’t as popular as the e series lottery. At 2400 copies, the Mewtwo is similar in terms of release number and also have unique art (which is what is being assumed at the moment for the lottery eeveelutions) and they were $350 for the first few psa 10s but it was a different era and are going for $1600-$1900 today. I personally believe that 3000 is a high enough number that it would not cause a feeling of FOMO every time a copy is available unlike some 100-300 distribution cards released in the past few years. And without this emergent feeling of wanting a copy when they are available will put a low glass ceiling on these but this is just all talk until they are actually released. Looking forward to them tho

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These are gonna be $500 raw as a floor price


My heart skipped a beat looking for the Dos


@tromboneguy360, these cards will be so expensive that i’m better off pretending that they don’t exist

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Do you think we will get the rainbow VMAX of this trio+espeon as future promos too? I know it’s a crystal ball but I’m hoping.


Starting on July 21st :dizzy_face:


The Charizard V that came out last year in Japan also has around 3k copies and started around 1500-2000 USD. I wonder how much a set will go for.

Oh boy!

New Lottery Promos revealed featuring my favorite Pokemon! My personal favorite as far as artwork goes for this batch would be the Vaporeon (Illus. Atsushi Furusawa).

It really highlights the vibrant sea-life in Pokemon! I’m sure the holographic effect on the card will really make the water sparkle in-person!(Bonus: It features one of my other favorite Pokemon, Milotic too!)

I really love how diverse the distribution is for Japanese Promos; it’s been a little while since we’ve seen a set of lottery promos with a print run as low as these.

I wouldn’t be too surprised if these Lottery Eevees are immediately more expensive than the L-P Legendary Beasts and BW Ray/Giratina with the current demand for Eevee related cards!

It’ll likely be quite the challenge to pick up even one of these, but I’ll definitely try! I wouldn’t complain too much if I can’t get my hands on these, there’s plenty of Eevees to collect at different price ranges to keep me happy.

It’s the chase that is the most satisfying part of collecting in this hobby and this is a nice change of pace for my Eevee/lution collection!



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Vaporeon instant grail card just for the milotic feature.

And I first read that as Zapdos. But man that Jolteon looking like a northern legend made of Mjolnir.

These cards are asking to be on separate soulessly stock art styled English releases it’s painfully obvious. Sorry.