Japanese Neo Destiny Boosters: Weigh able?

I met someone selling them for a decent price (70U$S a piece). My question is: are japanese Neo Destiny boosters weigh able?

70 bucks for a vintage booster box sounds waaaaaaayy to good to be true. Like epicly proportioned. That’s cheaper then a modern booster box. Or is this a case of someone having something and selling it not knowing the value of it? Whether its weighable or not, if it’s legit for 70 bucks you aught to buy it!

It says per piece, presumably $70 per booster pack. I don’t know the market price for Japanese Neo Destiny, but the booster box of 60 packs would easily be over $1,000.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure this is a set with a holo in every pack, which therefore shouldn’t be weighable

I have no idea why but for some reason I thought he said box in his post somewhere haha