December 12, 2014, 3:47am
anyone know the prices for the japanese e series 1-5 packs and all of the adv + pcg packs as well?
if you only have some of the information, please feel free to share just trying to get an idea of what i should be paying for them
also, where would i be able to find a sealed lost link pack?
@pokemoncenteritaly or @bagoly14 might have the Lost Link pack.
I’d say most of those packs are $15-25. Some are significantly more difficult to find, however.
I’m with @bagoly14 the Lost Link pack it’s the rarest of all the japanese booster packs. 50$ it’s the minimum price for one pack.
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December 13, 2014, 12:08am
Here is someone with a pack or few for sale (Lost link). Odd they are in Italy…Hey wait Pokemon center Italy, isnt that you??
December 13, 2014, 6:05pm
All those packs will run you at least 15$ each - some climb over 25$. Lost Link is possibly the most rare pack besides TRR, Hidden Legends, FRLG, and maybe one or two sets I am forgetting. I searched for two years and only found a handful of Lost Link packs. I am keeping them sealed for myself for now…I wouldn’t sell them for under 50$ a pack minimum in the future.
why are lost link packs so rare? there werent a lot printed?
just found 2 lost link packs and picked them up!
Congrats! Those are some rare packs.
i was planning on keeping one sealed and selling the other - do you think it would significantly increase in value if i stashed it away or would selling it now be a better option?