There are no unlimited E1 cards, the images of unlimited come from a Yahoo Japan seller, the completed listing for that unlimited Typhlosion 新裏面ポケモンカードe 第1弾 基本拡張パック 1EDITION(初版) より
They state it as 1st edition but for some reason they edit the 1st edition symbol, maybe they do it to create a stock image?
Many YA listings are edited as said before… but E1 unlimited cards exist.
There are for sure Charizard, Pichu and Alakazam… all non holos.
I don’t think unlimited E1 holo cards exist tho.
And @charchu surely knows they are real right my friend?
Btw, it is still unknown where they came from. I thought they came from Theme decks, but I still dont have found images of these decks on the web.
I am pretty sure they are ‘‘just’’ error cards. Super cool imho.
Has anyone else ever seen a Japanese unlimited edition E1 Pikachu? Apart from those edited pictures you sometimes see on YJ which are advertising the 1st edition instead.