JR Booklet Help

Found this in a box I hadn’t seen for awhile and am trying to recall the story on this item.
Got info or a bulbapedia link on this? Thanks…

Is JR Japan Railways?

Yes it is @shizzlemetimbers


There’s like 20 pages.
Maybe Glenn would have some info?

Ahhh…so you didn’t have to mail in and forfeit the booklet on the 1997 stamp rally? I’ve had dozens of the Fuji Pika folders but never saw another of these.
This one does have all 30 Pokemon stamps.

Good job brother. Thanks for the help:)

pretty cool! i’d happily own one of those :blush:

Great find, Gary! You say there are “about” 20 pages in your copy of the booklet. The full booklet has 38 pages. (Based on your picture that shows the page for stamps #29 and 30, I’m guessing that you have the full thing.)

There were also special train tickets and a plastic “credit card” collectible that went along with the booklet. I posted pictures of those a few years ago in my collection thread. You might have some of those, too, and just didn’t realize they belonged with the booklet. If interested, you can view them here:


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Thanks Glenn.
Yes, there’s 38 pages. So everybody was able to keep the booklet? Does your copy have all 30 stamps?

Yeah, everybody was able to keep the booklet. I’m pretty sure the ones I have are all stamped. I would imagine one that has no stamps would be rather valuable, as that would mean the person bought the train ticket but ended up not doing the rally.