Just bought a 1st Ed. Base Set Charizard

Hope it’s not fake
Hope I got a good price

Thoughts and PSA grade guesses?



Not a pro at spotting fake stamps but it looks good. If that is recoloring at the top back of the card then PSA will not grade it.

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Underneath the tail and to the left of the left wing it looks like cosmic holofoil. This card is nit meant to have cosmic hoo but it clukd be sonething else.judging by photos lookes like a psa 5 to me.

Okay, good to know. Thanks

I seeee.
Wow, there really is much more to know about these cards than I expected.

PSA 5 makes me happy. I looked at the image on a photo editor and adjusted the color levels to better see imperfections, I’m thinking 3-4 if it’s legit.


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It’s real.

I have a PSA 4 that looks nicer than that.

That make’s me really happy.


Glad e4 could be of service.