Kingdra collection update - slabs and binder


**November fun fact:**Kingdra was the 4th ever Dragon type Pokemon to be released (after the Dragonair line) and the only one in GEN II.

I have just started working on a Kingdra collection and thought that this would be a great place to share my cards. I am mostly aiming for PSA 10s but with the scarcity of some cards, PSA 9 will do unless I find the 10s. Both TCG and non-TCG!


POP 12 and 11:




Will keep updating the thread over time! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also, listen to this epic Kingdra voice/dubbing from the anime


That rev. holo delta species will most likely be an 8, but I got couple others on the way so we will see. The two below are 70% going to be a 10 (or maybe I just jinxed it).


I love kingdra too


Ive been grabbing the crystal anytime I can. It was cheap for a while for some reason and its one of the best looking crystals with the ancient ruins behind it. TBH it screams aquapolis more than the lugia does


I love horsea evolution line


Awesome collection, Kingdra makes my top 5 favorites!

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Same! I might get into Horsea and Seadra later on. Kind of glad they’re not included in base set :grin:.

@modestmudkip, Yeah exactly, the background is what I imagine when someone says ‘Aquapolis’.

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Despite my personal vendetta against Kingdra for stealing having the Water/Dragon typing that Gyarados so rightly deserves, I cannot wait to see your collection fill out to the max!

What is it about Kingdra that made you start collecting it?


Magikarp errata states that Dragon DNA was found in that Pokemon. That’s enough for me.

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I love Kingdra! One of my strong considerations for starting a one pokemon collection whenever I had that thought.

right behind mudkip kingdra is the best water type!

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I love the Dragon Majesty GX. That was my first DM pull and it is a beautiful card!

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Ugh, there it is again…

I’m coming my love! Soon! Soon you will be in my possession! Not Draking’s copy obviously but one of my own!!
(Spoken in James Voice from the show)

These are fairly accessible! I am getting a few more copies soon myself cause if I sell this one day, I want to have one more for myself at least in binder :grin:

@goonhoon I have one on the way!!!

Absolutely love Kingdra but I think you love it the most! Would love to hear why the collection and why it is your favorite.

LOVE your collection and post! Kingdra’s definitely one of my top 5 favorite Pokemon. :blush:

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I really like the ocean, fish and marine life in general, and I was always fascinated with seahorses. I also like that it has a nice exposure over various sets in various forms. Fun card to collect, but that POP 9 Prime Kingdra in PSA 10 is giving me a hard time :S


New additions to my PSA-submission stack:


Just curious, what’ll you collect (besides horsea and seadre) after you finish all the Kingdra cards since there aren’t that many?