How in the hell did PSA grade 4+ million cards in two months? What happened with the serial number jump? My last order came back with serials of 26,XXX,XXX shipped on 7/25/16 and now I see these on eBay with serial numbers in the 3X,XXX,XXX. Any reason for this?
I do have to say though, that I cracked the case and sent it in to becket once, and PSA four times and each time it came back as fake. So I’m not sure wtf PSA was doing when they first graded it.
Ha yeah, I can’t imagine it is real (them using all those numbers), I also just can’t theorize as to why they would just jump numbers like that. I also EXTREMELY highly doubt the Jordan RC’s sold by PWCC are fraudulent. @garyis2000 any thoughts? They had no public press release over crossing 30 mil and I know they did for 20 and 25 mil. Quick google shows 20 million was Nov 2012, 25 million was on Sep 2015 and no real hits for 30 million.
I mean I have two orders shipped from them almost exactly one year apart that were 1.6 million numbers apart. So with the timeline of the above milestones and what my orders show 2-3 million over the next year wouldn’t be unheard of given the accelerating trend but 4 million in two months has to be humanly impossible for all intents and purposes.
The serial numbers aren’t sequential from what I’m seeing. Different types see different starting numbers. They might have a reason for this, who knows.
Just searched the PSA certification verification database and serial numbers 30,000,000, 40,000,000, 50,000,000, 60,000,000 are all used for baseball cards already. Also interestingly 65,000,000 is used but not 35, 45 or 55.
Nothing to see here I guess. Must be semi-sequential for the most part but for some reason they leap ahead and certain cards are put in the parallel # series for whatever reason. Pokemon is still in the 20’s it seems. I thought a serial number could be used as a way to give a relative date of the card but that is not so I guess.
I hate to admit it but I’ve never paid any attention to serial numbers. I knew they weren’t always in order though because the McNall/Gretsky card was 00000001 and was assigned years after PSA started. Plus, if I recall right, there were no other lower numbers assigned.