Legendary and Mythical Pokemon Tier List


Credit to @googlecrump on Twitter for putting together the list and credit to Bulbapedia for the images he used.

My list:


It gets a little arbitrary after Gen 4, when I stop recognising some of them entirely:


Gen 2 will always be my favorite.

In order :sunglasses:


Glad to see my boy Raikou making it to the top a few times! I noticed in my own list how later gens get snubbed, guess I let nostalgia get the better of me.


I considered, not in this order:

  • my initial reaction to seeing it;
  • the design as a whole including name, look, movement, cry, and how it matches the creature’s theme;
  • my knowledge of how the 3D design and models move;
  • originality of the creature (poor Zeraora… just an electric lucario… Zarude is fresh)
  • Nostalgia had a big impact, BUT not always, and usually the design as a whole especially how it matches what it is.

Also, one thing that I found myself saying was "That looks too much like a [normal bird] so while I like it a lot, it’s not as interesting or inspired as THIS (ie moltres vs zapdos).

Also, also, freshness of inspiration and design was important: (ie. how many ginormous kaiju or inter-dimensional beings do we need: Giratina, Ultra Necrozma, Eternatus?)

  • S tier are my top favorite, A tier are ones that I like a lot but that don’t make S tier for me
  • B and C tier are ones that are ok and I’m quite indifferent about
  • In D tier are the ones that I dislike the most

And only S tier is ordered in my actual preference order, rest of the tiers have random order inside the tier



I can pretty much justify every choise on this list and if you have questions, just ask :blush:

My list:


I don’t really know anything about the others so I’ll just consider them non-existent :wink:


Here’s mine, which is a combination of: nostalgia, memories I have with the mons (sorry Palkia my bro, I’ve let you down), overall strength of design, will to chase them, artworks on cards and a bit of subjectivity.
Down to A, I can say that I genuinely like all of these Pokémons and would be ready to defend them. Below that, I’m starting to have conflictual feelings about them.

With no suprise, earlier generations have ranked high, the second probably being the strongest. I have an unexpected amount of cute floating mythical Pokémons who made it to the top. Zeraora has ranked pretty high for a modern Pokémon, and Moltres super low for a first gen one, but I’ve always find his design way weaker than the two other birds.

It was really fun to do and interesting to see some patterns appearing along the way.


@muk, Lol, I’m not a fan of the My Little Pony that could either.

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I have a huge bias towards Gen I-III and IV as those are the games I grew up with blue being my first one. Eventhough I played BW-XY-SM-SWSH I kinda powered through the games whereas Gen I-IV I tried to complete the trainer cards which greatly enhances the time spent around the Pokemon.
I really like dinosaurs which primal kyogre and primal groudon knock that urge.

Edit: Most disappointing legendary to me was Regigigas. I like its design but was hoping they’d make him huge like the Torterras in Detective Pikachu. Regigigas is 12ft tall for reference.

The list is missing (I’m guessing the list predates these besides Xerneas):

Glastrier, Spectrier, and Enamorus (Incarnate).

And if we are including forms then:

Passive Mode Xerneas

Ice Rider CalyrexShadow Rider CalyrexZenith Marshadow
Dada ZarudeOriginal Color Magearna
Dialga OriginPalkia OriginEnamrous (Therian)
Then ofcourse silvally, arceus, and genesect have color palette changes but would be too much


Sorry Suicune


I didn’t bother to order the rows themselves.



Entirely based on nostalgia/memories and how I think the pokemon looks. Not at all based on lore or how they are obtained or anything like that



The dream team:

Tier 1: Arceus, Rayquaza, Xerneas, Kyogre, Ho-oh, MewTwo, Lugia

And thats it!

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@enigma , @xileets , @thedoug Tornadus Incarnate Forme above the lowest tiers-gang :heart_eyes::sob: