Now im looking to do a bigger purchase, but im nervous about the seller.
The seller have been member since march 2020 and he have sold 4 (cheaper) cards with 100% positive feedback. Im looking to buy a heavy card from him at $3000+.
Its a PSA graded card, so im not nervous about the card or anything. Im a little nervous it’s a scam. Pretty much new account, 4 sales and one expensive listed card.
Would you guys buy without hestitation? Let me hear your thoughts.
Yes, i understand that. The thing is, that im not very experienced in ebay. I have only positiv feedback, but how do i know, that ebay will side with me? If it was a cheaper purchase, i wouldnt bother making this post, but $3000 is a lot for me, so i wanted to hear your thoughts.
Thank you for the advice! Thats exactly what im worried about. I have thought about opening the package before signing to verify the card, but i dont know if i can do that (legally and practically).
eBay Buyer Protection has you covered and also pay using a credit card as back up protection. Don’t film anything - its just a waste of time. eBay won’t take into account video of a package being opened nor for sellers will they take into account video of a package being sealed. Between editing and shenanigans off tape its too easy to manipulate this type of ‘evidence’ thus it holds no weight with them.
How does hitting record on your phone take time? You’re going to spend time opening the package anyways. If you record all in one shot this is perfectly reasonable evidence to have as a backup.
Do you personally have experience providing video evidence to eBay that they denied was legitimate?
Either way, eBay will side with the buyer regardless. Surprisingly, they require no evidence other than the buyer’s word. That’s why sellers are the ones who get scammed on eBay, not buyers.
I do millions a year on eBay for the past decade. They won’t take video evidence, phone recordings or email/text message screenshots. ONLY eBay messages. Doesn’t matter if the buyer does the video all in one shot when they’ve already slit the package open on the bottom removed the card and put their own strip of packing tape back across it THEN start the recording. See easy to manipulate.
I want to add to this question; I’ve been buying cards from eBay via a 3rd party (to ship the cards from the USA to my country), so far all was good but what happens if I see the card is fake when it arrives to me ~2 weeks after it actually arrived at the registered address? can I do anything about it?
the 3rd party service supplies with images when the card arrives to them but it might not be enough to identify the texture of the card etc.