No matter the kind of collector you are, the cards in your collection likely share some kind of connection. Some of these connections are obvious and core to the collection itself; cards that come from the same set, were illustrated by the same artist, or feature a specific Pokémon. Other connections can be obscure and incidental, and stumbling upon them can be fun - so why not turn it into a game?
Find a card that is in some way connected to the last card posted in the thread. Make sure to explain the connection in your post!
Sounds fun, hope I’m doing this right!
This Litwick was also illustrated by Sekio and both were Pokémon featured on Community Days in Pokémon Go this year.
@SeasidePokemon That’s exactly the kind of fun connection I was looking for!
Just to get things warmed up, I’ll continue the chain with one of my other favorite artists;
Sekio’s Litwick and Yuka Morii’s Pumpkaboo were both featured in this year’s Trick or Trade Halloween mini-set. Look at that adorable Pumpkin Pikachu logo! A Pumpkaboo with a Pumpkachu!
Skyridge Charizard was available in oversized format as one of its set’s oversized box toppers. Crystal Tower’s Entei is an oversized promotional card distributed through CoroCoro for the third Pokémon movie. While not itself a ‘Crystal’ Pokémon, the illusory Entei in the movie crystallizes the very ground he walks on, and lives in a mansion turned crystalline fortress by the power of the Unown. The set piece fight of the movie has him pitted against Ash’s Charizard.
After one Stage 2 Ghost Pokemon that used to have Levitate, and a Stage 1 Ghost Pokemon that still has it, here is a Basic Ghost Pokemon that loses the ability upon evolving:
VS and Kusube is interesting. Though they are Owner’s pokemon, she made 4 illustrations of Stage 2 Pokemon for that set, which is the exact amount of illustrations she’s provided of Stage 2 Pokemon throughout the entire history of english. Out of the Pokemon featured in those, Gengar is the only one illustrated twice: