Lightest pack that contained a holo ?

As the title says, I was curious to know:

What is the lightest WOTC pack that you know of, which actually held à holo card ?


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Thanks a lot, thing is, the sample number for 1st edition for example is very low. Plus according to that spreadsheet there seem to be a weight difference between 1st edition base sets and unlimited prints.

Do you think it might be actually the case ?

There is weight differences even within certain print runs.

Yeah but I mean, i’ve read that among a box, you can definetly know which packs are heavy and which one are light.
I’ve also read that some packs is a difference of 0.15g diffrerence between heavy and light packs.

Does that mean that that there could be boxes were light boosters would be like 20.55 and heavy boosters 20.7 ?

Then why is it so mainstream to say that packs below 21g are light boosters with no holo inside ?

Because people quite often don’t know what they’re talking about :blush:


But then if you look at the spreadsheet for fossil and base set packs… the 21g « rule » seems to be true…

So I don’t know what to think about it

I experienced many times in the newest sets that the light pack may holo or full art and the opposite. You can not be sure for light or heavy. Personal opionion for new sets.

It’s very simple, when it’s a loose raw pack always assume it’s light/weighed. There is no certain way of determining if a loose pack contains a holo unless you know all the weights of the box - and even then it might be difficult depending on the set (Neo Disc for example has print runs where lighter packs contain holos as well).

This is awesome thank you for posting

Heavy 1st base pack 20:76 where within the same box was 20:30+ lights.
Never buy a heavy like this unless u buy it and open it with a guarantee from a trusted seller. It’s rare.