List of All Filler Card Variations (Blank Errors)

The Guide Nobody Asked For

When I started collecting Filler Cards a few years ago, I felt there was not a lot of easily accessible information out there about them. I have gone down plenty of rabbit holes for information and to learn what I know about them.

I figured it was time to start creating the resources I wish I had when I started collecting them. This is the first of 3 guides I plan to write in an attempt to cover as much information as possible about Filler Cards.

Also being my first guide, I’d love any and all feedback on how to improve these moving forward.

The Purpose of this Guide

  • The main goal of this guide is to showcase every unique variation of Filler Card. Including scans, photos, and any additional information I can provide, both concrete and anecdotal. I intend to focus more on the individual variations in this guide, and cover broader topics another time.

  • A benefit of this guide is it doubles as a collection post for myself. Aside from a couple variations shown in here, I own every single card featured. I will be sure to credit the few that are not mine.

  • I plan to keep this updated as I learn and see more. Please let me know if you have any information to contribute about any specific cards shown or not shown here.

Last Few Notes

All the cards are broken down into 7 groups, mostly by era but with a few exceptions that get explained in that section.

If there is no scan or photo showing the back of the card, that card has a standard english back. I only showed back images when relevant.

In most cases, I will be referencing CGCs standards in this guide. I will elaborate in the cases where I don’t. Any scans shown are from CGC (Which is why they’re so inconsistent…)

While nearly every card is in a CGC slab, that is more for protection than authentication. Every Filler Card covered here is able to be identified as authentic without the need of a 3rd party company. Another guide will go into the specifics of authentication.

I think that covers everything. I hope you enjoy!

All Filler Card Variations

Last Updated: 02-04-25

WOTC Era Variations

Yellow Border - WOTC Style

Yellow Border - WOTC Style - 1 Border Only

Interesting observation is that on these Fillers, there is a slight notch upwards where the side borders would go if the card had them.

Yellow Border - WOTC Style - 2 Border Only

This Filler was located in the corner of the sheet so for some sheets they only put 2 Borders.

Yellow Border - WOTC Style - 3 Border Only

Every copy I have encountered originated from Italy but I don’t know the exact product these came out of.

Yellow Border - WOTC Style - W Stamp

Not my Card - Unknown Owner

The first of only a few cards on this list I don’t own or have much info on.

This card was shared on Facebook in Oct 2023 by an Anonymous user. My assumption is by a former WOTC employee based on the other cards they shared. They didn’t really give any other info or insight in the comments.

I have reached out to the few people I know with WOTC connections and no luck. Unfortunately no other info here. Please reach out if you have any info or leads on this card!

Solid Yellow - WOTC Style

Most of the Solid Yellow Filler Cards actually originated from WOTC employees as they used these same cards for various forms of testing similiar to the Playtest below. However these were still used as Filler Cards for sheets as well.

Solid Yellow - 2 Borders

Not my Card - Unknown Owner

Another card on this list I don’t own or have any info on. This scan is all the info I have.

Please reach out if you have any info or leads on this card!

Yellow Border - WOTC Style - “German Fosil” Black Plate

CGC has an article on this exact card. They’ll explain it better than I can.

Questions? - Insert Card

This card was printed in the same spot as a Filler Card would go. Ignoring the text it even as the same appearance as a Filler Card. However this card was actually used and released. Insert cards typically have some form of information on them and are inserted into a product with other cards. Like the card included with sealed Ancient Mews is an Insert Card. Not all Insert Cards are Filler Cards. Most Insert Cards are printed on their own. “Questions?” is an example of a card that is technically both a Filler Card and an Insert Card.

Grayscale Pokeball

In June of 2024 I was contacted by someone that had recently pulled one of these. They pulled it from a Shadowless Machamp Theme Deck. It is unknown if that is the only product they came from or not. Prior to this, the most common thing I heard was these coming from Base Set packs. I’ve never heard of a modern example of this, just people recalling from their childhood. My educated guess would be they were also opened from these Theme Decks and it all blended together in their memory.

A common misconception with this card is people don’t realize the Grayscale is printed on the front of the card, not the back.

"Blank Card Place Holder

This is the only Filler Card to just have text printed over a standard card, similar to the For Position Only cards. I have no info on where these originated from.

Yellow Border - WOTC Style - Cosmos Holo

I have heard rumors these Filler Cards originated from WOTC employees. I have no info to prove or disprove this.

Disco Holo

Unlike traditional Filler Cards that might only have 0-3 on a sheet, The entire bottom row of a Disco sheet is blank leaving 10 Fillers per sheet. These also weren’t found in any packs or products, but are from sheets being cut up like most of the Disco Holo cards out there.

Black Border Variations

Black Borders are MTG borders with Pokemon Backs, from when WOTC was still printing the cards. Likely intended as some kind of test print. To my knowledge, all of the Black Borders originated from 1 owner/seller located the UK:

“My husband worked for the company who supplied the packaging machinery to the factory where the Pokemon cards were printed, about 20 years ago. He was given a box of various cards as a thank you”

“…We have a hundred or so of the black cards, and only a few of the other cards…”

Black Border

The most common style Black Border Filler Card. Could also be considered the “Thick” variation but since the “Thin” variation is so niche, the Thick ones are just viewed as the Standard.

Thin Black Border

Rarer variation with a Thinner Black Border. Only Pop 2 with CGC.

Black Border - Inverted Barcode

Exact population on the Barcode/Shapes is unknown but I believe there are less than 10 sets based on conversations I had with other collectors at the time these originally surfaced for sale. The Barcode is the only of these 3 to also use the Thin Black Border instead of the Thick/Standard ones. Barcode is inverted in the slab because it it upside down relative to the back of the card. The Barcode is from the 2000 German Fossil Theme Deck Display Box.

Black Border - Triangle

Estimated population of less than 10. Uses the Thick/Standard Black Border.

Black Border - Circle

Estimated population of less than 10. Uses the Thick/Standard Black Border. A fun observation is that the circle is not perfectly round.

ex Era Variations

While designated as ex Era, these borders were also used during the DPPT era as well. Most of these could have occured or originated from that era as well.

Yellow Border - ex Style

Yellow Border - ex Style - 2 Border Only

Borders are noticeably thinner on the 2 Border than any other ex Era variation.

Yellow Border - ex Style - Inner Black Border

Due to the thin Black Border, this has the appearance of being chemically altered to be blank. When inspected closely with a jewelry loupe or similar, it’s possible to see there was no alteration and the borders were printed this way. Unknown why they would have been printed with this border.

Yellow Border - ex Style - 4 Square Inner Corners

The thick border at the bottom is from the e-reader cards. So these Fillers came from the small window of time after Nintendo took over but before they stopped doing e-reader cards.

Yellow Border - ex Style - 2 Rounded Inner Corners

This is the only Filler Card variation to have any rounded corners on the inside.

Solid Yellow- ex Style

Yellow Border - ex Style - Cosmos Holo

Yellow Border - ex Style - 2 Border Only - Cosmos Holo

Interesting observation is that this 2 Border is the “standard” thickness compared to the non holo 2 Border which is thin.

Only seen 1 copy of this one. Owner also had a WOTC Cosmos Holo. Perhaps leans into the theory of originating from employees.

B&W - SwSh Era Variations

This Border was used from B&W through SwSh era. I personally prefer the term “modern yellow” as CGC designates the era differently for different cards, or sometimes not at all. There is no difference in this border between these eras. In my experience, they designate based on the earliest era that Filler occured in.

Yellow Border - BW Style

This card is the perfect example of what I noted above. They get labeled as B&W but these cards came from products all the way through SwSh.

1 Yellow Border Front - 1 Blue Border Back

The only Filler Card variation that limits the number of borders on the back. I only know of 4 of this style existing. All 4 came from the same Trainer Tool Kit in late 2020.

Yellow Border - “DECK D3”

This was pulled for a Portuguese deck in Brazil. I don’t know what deck specifically. There are some other Deck XX Fillers in the SV era. All I have encountered have that same origin.

Yellow Border - “BLANK”

First appeared during the SM Era. Most commonly found in the energy bricks from ETBs but they have come out of other Deck products as well.

Yellow Border -“This card… left blank…” - Normal Back

First appeared during the SwSh Era. Most commonly found in Build & Battle Kits. The only Filler Card to have language variations. It is likely these exist in other languages aside from the 2 I’ve seen and featured below.

Yellow Border -“This card… left blank…” - Blue Border Blank Back

The only Filler Cards to have a variation with just a blue border on the back.

Yellow Border -German “This card… left blank…” - Normal Back

I have only seen 1 example of this foreign language variation.

Yellow Border -German “This card… left blank…” - Blue Border Blank Back

Not my Card - Credit to NordicNuzleaf

I have only seen 1 example of this foreign language variation.

Yellow Border -French “This card… left blank…” - Blue Border Blank Back

I have only seen 1 example of this foreign language variation.

Yellow Border - BW Style - Crosshatch Holo

These were found in the bricks of league promos that were given to stores.

Yellow Border - XY Style - Holo

Based on populations I’ve seen, this is the rarest holo pattern on Filler Cards. This is the only border this Holo Filler comes as. Some of these have been found sealed in French Generations Blister Packs.

Yellow Border - XY Style - Holo - Staff Stamp

Not my Card - Unknown Owner

Only example of this variation I’ve seen. This card was pulled by Andrew Krekeler from a Roaring Skies staff promo pack. It was sold in early 2023. I don’t know the current owner.

Please reach out if you have any info or leads on this card!

Yellow Border - SWSH Style - Cosmos Holo

Most examples were reported to come from Knockout collection boxes, or blister packs featuring the Forces of Nature. There are examples of it showing up in other blisters less frequently.

Yellow Border - “BLANK” - Cosmos Holo

This card was found on eBay in France so presumably came from a French product. That is the only info I have on this card and is the only copy of it I have seen.

Blank Holo - Green/Yellow Background

These Filler Cards came from the V-Union boxes. Sometimes behind the promo cards and they were not discovered until the boxes were opened. In some cases, they were in place of or in front of the promo card. Just personally, I’ve only seen them sealed in the Greninja boxes, and I heard of them also being pulled from Pikachu boxes. I’ve never seen any sealed in Pikachu or Mewtwo.

“Pikachu V-Union” - Yellow Background - Holo

These came from the Pikachu V-Union boxes. Never saw a sealed version of this one. Every report I’ve heard, they were behind the promos.

“HP300” - Blue Background - Holo

This is the only copy of this card I have seen. Was opened from the sealed box pictured below.

SV Era Variations

Silver Border - SV Style

SV Silver Borders are not solid like other Silver Borders listed later. They have “faded” spots in the middle of each edge.

Silver Border - “DECK 01”

This was pulled for a Portuguese deck in Brazil. I don’t know what deck specifically. There is a similar Deck D3 Filler in the B&W - SwSh era. with the same origin. This is the only DECK 0X I’ve seen have a Border.

NoBorder - “DECK 04”

This was pulled for a Portuguese deck in Brazil. Even though this does not have a Border, my assumption is this came from the SV Era because the text formatting matches the DECK 01.

NoBorder - “DECK 06”

This was pulled for a Portuguese deck in Brazil. Even though this does not have a Border, my assumption is this came from the SV Era because the text formatting matches the DECK 01. This is the only Deck XX Filler I have seen multiple copies of.

Silver Border - Cosmos Holo

CGC scan is terrible but there is a Silver Border there. It isn’t like the standard silver borders as the holo is meant to show on the border, just darker. This came from a Portuguese blister. This is the only copy I personally have seen.

Blank Holo - Full Star Layer

Reportedly pulled from various SV Era packs. I consider there to be 2 variations of the Full Star Layers. One has very noticeable stars and the other the stars are quite faint. In person they are even more difficult to see. Most I have encountered and the other Star Layer variations are on the noticeable side.

Blank Holo - Full Star Layer - Square Cut

The Square Cut Star Layers all popped onto the market at the same time, in rough condition, then never again. Because of this, my assumption is these were taken directly from a factory rather than coming from a product.

Blank Holo - Partial Star Layer

Reportedly pulled from various SV Era packs. While the label still says Stars on Right Half, it has been updated in the pop report to be the same as the Partial Star Layer. This is the only Partial Star Layer I’ve seen that does cover half of the card. All others I have seen are just a quarter of the card. As well as the Quarter Star Layers all have the Stanted Sheen Holo pattern of the rest of the card. The Half Star Layer does not.

Blank - Slanted Sheen Holo

This is the same pattern seen on the other half of the Partial Star Layers.

Miscellaneous Variations

Yellow Border - HGSS Style - Crosshatch Holo

This is the only HGSS era Filler variation I have seen. I have not seen any non holo HGSS Fillers. These were found in the bricks of league promos that were given to stores.

Solid Yellow - ex Era - International Release

This is the only Internation ex Era Filler variation I have seen. As well as the only copy of this specific Filler Card I have seen. This specific card was pulled from a Portuguese Machamp Hidden Legends Half-Deck from that Era.

Silver Border - 2008 World Championships

Pop 1 with CGC. Only one I’ve ever seen. All WC Deck Fillers have Solid Silver Borders unlike the SV Silver Border with the “fades”.

Silver Border - 2009 World Championships

Way more of the 2009 WC Deck Filler than the others. Currently pop 4 with CGC and I know of a few other ungraded. Would be interested to know why this is the year with the most.

Silver Border - 2015 World Championships

Pop 1 with CGC. Only one I’ve ever seen.

Silver Border - 2016 World Championships

Pop 1 with CGC. Only one I’ve ever seen.

Miscut Showing Filler with Standard Back

This is a miscut showing a Filler Card on the card above. We know it is a Filler Card above vs being the edge of the sheet because we can see the yellow borders continuing up. This is rarer than most miscut cards because not only does the card need to be miscut in the first place, it also needs to be from a sheet with a Filler Card on it, as well as from the spot exactly next to the Filler Card.

Miscut Showing Filler with Blue Border Back

The same applies to this miscut as the previous. We know this sheet had a different Filler Card because the back only has the blue border, no logo. Likely the “This card… left blank…” Filler.

Not So Honorable Mentions

I was going to wait until another guide to discuss these but figured it would be the most likely question to come from this guide so I’m including them.

Blank - No Border

In the past CGC would authenticate these cards with a completely blank front. They have since stopped slabbing these due to being unable to tell if they were authentic or altered. While some of these slabs still exist out there, they should not be considered legit.

Unfortunately, it is not always as simple as being real or being fake. There can be cases where a card could be real, but that same card could be faked to a level where it is not possible to tell the difference. In these cases, it is best to assume they are all fake.

Blank - Slanted Sheen Holo

Not my Card - Credit to ProjectExisting6667

This is the only variation CGC has authenticated that I personally can’t identify how it is authenticate. When I requested specifics on the authentication they were not shared. Just speculation, this could be the same pattern as the other half of the Partial Star Layer as they do appear similar, but I personally don’t know how to identify/verify this.


This is absolute madness. Thank you for sharing your incredible collection and part 1 of this enormous guide … something that would never show up outside of e4. What a great read and what a significant source of knowledge. :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:



Awesome guide @c011ect0r, thanks for making it. I’ve seen your collection a bunch of times, and therefore knew about most of these variants, but it’s cool to see them all in one overview like that. Reminds me a lot of this Instagram account which was created for that same purpose for all known Yu-Gi-Oh filler cards. And I’m still very jealous of that Pikachu V-Union filler card. :wink:

And I might have looked past it by accident, but isn’t this one missing?

Water Web Holo filler without borders:

That filler card is supposed to be the regular sized Umbreon & Darkrai GX tag team promo, which uses the SM era Water Web Holofoil.



Wow that account is crazy. When I see collections like that or misprintedmtg, it makes me glad I’m in the Pokemon world. Far less Fillers in Pokemon than Yugioh or Magic :sweat_smile:

That Filler is going to have a spot in another guide when I go over Identifying Filler Cards. More specifically, ones that can’t be authenticated, even if they might be. In this example, there is no way to identify if it is legit or not on it’s own. I’d argue it’s as close to the line as they come. Some people would comment saying the box could be resealed, but the box is known to have a few examples of this error.

I chose to not include it here because the box and repeating error knowledge are required for “verification”. The stand alone card can’t be authenticated.


This is a fantastic read and a great resource. Thank you for taking the time to make it. I’m glad you included the W Stamp filler. I tried to get more information when I saw that pop up on Facebook but I had no luck.


Ah ok, that makes sense. It’s implicitely in the same category as the white blank filler card in your ‘Not so honorable mentions’ then.


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Awesome resource! Thanks for showing it with the breakdowns of where they are from and how to tell. I’ll have to keep tagging you when I see interesting things.