Hello everyone,
This is a guide on the old-school prepaid phone cards, specifically ones from Japan. These cards were made in the late 1990s and early 2000s and allowed people to make phone calls at telephone booths (this was before cell phones were mainstream). I didn’t even know these existed until a few days ago (I still don’t much about these cards), but I thought they were interesting so I dug up as many as I could find online over the past few days.
Let me know if there are any cards I missed or if you have any cards/info to contribute!
Happy collecting
PiPiPi Adventurer
Year: 1996
Japanese text:
ポケットモンスター (Pokemon)
アドベンチヤー (Adventurer)
PiPiPi Adventurer - Pikachu
Year: 1996
Japanese text:
アドベンチヤー (Adventurer)
PiPiPi Adventurer 2
Year: 1996
PiPiPi Adventurer 3
Year: 1996
Year: 1996
Year: 1996
Year: 1996
Year: 1996
Year: 1996
Televi-Kun and Kusei
Year: 1998
Background: Televi-Kun is a Japanese monthly manga magazine published by Shogakukan
Japanese text:
てれびくんとくせい (Televi-kun and Kusei)
ポケットモンスターテレカ (Pokemon telephone card)
Pokemon Center Tokyo Grand Opening Telephone Card Set
Year: 1998
Pokemon Center Osaka
Year: 1998
Pokemon Center Osaka Telephone Card Set
Year: 1998
Mewtwo Strikes Back 1
Year: 1998
Mewtwo Strikes Back 2
Year: 1998
Mewtwo Strikes Back 3
Year: 1998
Mewtwo Strikes Back 4
Year: 1998
Mewtwo Strikes Back 5
Year: 1998
The 64 DREAM
Year: 1999
Japanese text:
ザロクヨンドリーム (The Rokuyon Dream)
3rd Anniversary Pocket Monsters Telephone Card Set
Year: 1999
Mirage Pokemon: Lugia’s Explosive Birth 1
Year: 1999
Mirage Pokemon: Lugia’s Explosive Birth 1 - Holo
Year: 1999
Mirage Pokemon: Lugia’s Explosive Birth 2
Year: 1999
Mirage Pokemon: Lugia’s Explosive Birth 3
Year: 1999
Mirage Pokemon: Lugia’s Explosive Birth 3 - Holo
Year: 1999
Mirage Pokemon: Lugia’s Explosive Birth 4
Year: 1999
1999 ANA Airlines
Year: 1999
2000 ANA Airlines
Year: 2000
ANA Airlines 1
Year: ?
ANA Airlines 2
Year: ?
ANA Airlines 3
Year: ?
ANA Airlines 4
Year: ?
Famitsu Magazine
Year: 2000
Pikachu the Movie 2000 - Lord of the Unknown Tower 1
Year: 2000
Pikachu the Movie 2000 - Lord of the Unknown Tower 2
Year: 2000
Pikachu the Movie 2000 - Pichu and Pikachu 1
Year: 2000
Japanese text:
ピチューと (Pichu and)
ピカチュウ (Pikachu)
Pikachu the Movie 2000 - Pichu and Pikachu 2
Year: 2000
Japanese text:
ピチューと (Pichu and)
ピカチュウ (Pikachu)
Pikachu the Movie 2000 - Hide and Seek Pikachu
Year: 2000
Japanese text:
ピカチュウの (Pikachu of)
ドキドキ (throb)
かくれんぼ (hide and seek)
Pikachu the Movie 2000 - Celebi
Year: 2000
Japanese text:
セレビィ (Celebi)
Shiny Concert 2001
Year: 2001
Celebi Timeless Encounter
Year: 2001
Guardian Gods of the Capital of Water: Latias and Latios - 1
Year: 2002
Guardian Gods of the Capital of Water: Latias and Latios - 2
Year: 2002
Japanese text:
水の都の護神 (Goddess of the city of water)
Guardian Gods of the Capital of Water: Latias and Latios - Shiny Raw Sky???
Year: 2002
Japanese text:
ピカピカ (Shiny)
生空キャンろ (Raw sky)
Latios and Latias
Year: 2002
Shining Charizard
Year: 2002
Wishing Star of the Seven Nights: Jirachi
Year: 2003
Pokemon Stadium - Nintendo 64
Year: ?
Japanese text:
スタジアム (Stadium)
マリオ (Mario)
Year: ?
TOMY Lugia
Year: ?
Year: ?
TOMY 1999-2000
Year: ?
SHOWA NOTE Pikachu and Togepi
Year: ?
Dragonite and Pikachu
Year: ?
7:00 Pikachu
Year: ?
Pocket Monster Pikachu
Year: ?
Pocket Monster Shogakukan
Year: ?
Pocket Monster Mato - Pikachu
Year: ?
Pocket Monster Mato
Year: ?
Pokemon Center
Year: ?