Looking Base Set Pokemon Cigar Error Cards Sell/Trade

Hey everyone. I have been collecting for a long time. Mostly Wizards of the Coast and specifically Base Set 1st edition cards. I am also very interested in errors. Can anyone tell me where I could find or is anyone willing to sell/trade me 1st edition Cigar Error cards. The Cigar Error is a thick orange line on the card. The two that I know of are 1st edition Hitmonlee and 1st edition Haunter. I have seen a few and own one Hitmonlee cards with smaller cigar errors and only one where the error is very large. I have only seen pictures of the Haunter.

Here are a few pictures (I have seen a hitmonlee version of this error where the orange ink smear (I have been told it is called a cigar error from a few other collectors) continued toward the top of hitmonlee’s foot on the card) :

Best to include pictures so we know what your talking about…

Thanks for the reminder.

I’ve been around forever and have seen those defects numerous times.
I personally see no value in them in fact, I’d argue less value.
Now for people who collect printing mistakes maybe there’s some value but would need others here to confirm that.

I like error cards. I started collecting them after completing the original base sets.

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A lot of the hitmonlees go for $30-$50 pretty regularly. I’ve see a few where the ink smear goes up the whole card. Even those only sold for $80-$100. But that’s been very, very few.

The haunters are in shorter supply but interestingly enough aren’t valued as high as the hitmonlees.

Misprint collectors like them. I like them. But they aren’t crazy rare. Just a nice little piece to put into your collection.

Do you have any haunters you’d be interested in selling/trading tony?