Looking for a second opinion on this PSA graded Leafeon VMAX

I’ve recently managed to pick up a Leafeon VMAX online for market price finally, I asked the seller for extra pictures and it looked all good to me so I impulsively bought it, but I’d love some second opinions on its authenticity.

Have only recently gotten into the whole grading world not too long ago so some reassurance would be amazing, Thank you and sorry if my formatting is a little off I haven’t used forums in a good few years :pikadizzy:


Slab is authentic


Looks good to me.


Thanks a ton !

I’ll try to be a little more helpful than “Slab is authentic” (love you @eeveeteam), because if you had this question, it’s likely that many other lurkers are wondering too.

Here are a couple of things that I always look for:

  • First and most importantly, does the certification number show up in the PSA database on their website? Is it deactivated or active?
  • On the front and back PSA logos, is it just sparkly or do you see “PSA” (on newer slabs) or “NASDAQ-CLCT” (on older slabs)? Counterfeit slabs just have a sparkly logo with no underlying print.
  • Do you see a PSA lighthouse logo with on/off illumination effect? Depending on the way that the light hits the slab, the small PSA logos on the back left of the slab should illuminate.
  • On the bottom right of the front and back of the slab, do you see a “PSA” engraving in the plastic?
  • On the top of the front portion of the label, do you see upright and inverted PSA logos when looking at the right angle?
  • Is there frosting on the edges of the slab? This would be due to the material cracking/separating.

Some of these will not be on very old slabs, but all of the newer slabs should have these security features. With time, you’ll be a pro at identifying real slabs!


Thank you a ton for this write up It’s super helpful, I have read a good good amount about the security features, the lighthouse logos, what to find in the label and looking up the cert and comparing. But had no idea about the “NASDAQ-CLCT” part or anything about older slabs.

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