Looking for genuine Pokemon binder resource

Hi guys,

I’m looking for some kind of reliable resource/website which has information on the old school ‘official’ binders.


Here’s an album to show some of the ones I’m talking about. Wanting to find out information like which other ones like these were available back then, who were the manufacturers, and try to confirm which ones were really officially licensed. Would help me when searching around on eBay to be able to spot which ones are just homemade things and which ones are legit.


You have all of the most of the popular ones pictured and those are all officially licensed products. There were quite a few others made though. I’ll update this comment with some more pictures :blush:

Do you collect Pokémon binders then as well?

I do, but I acquired most of them by purchasing collections over two decades. I don’t think I’ve ever purchased a binder with the intent to store Pokemon cards inside:)

As far as I know there aren’t any articles about the older ‘official’ Pokemon binders. There were probably 10 variants of the snap 4-pocket binders.

Thanks, would appreciate that. :blush: My card collection only ranges from Base to Gym Challenge so I wouldn’t be interested in any later ones featuring the post-#151 Pokemon.

There are also the Official Media Factory binders. These were released in Japan. Here are a couple examples:


Thank you for sharing, and funnily enough I am literally 25 minutes in to one of your Q&A videos at the time of writing this, didn’t expect to see you here! :blush:

Thanks again.

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Off my memory I see that you are missing the following: binder with Ash,Brock and Misty running, with like a sunset in the background. Also the binder with pikachu in the front and a red pokedex in the background

Thank you. Yes I do remember these ones now you mention it.

Also found a few more I missed in the meantime:

And sorry for the second account, I realised I already had this one from a few years ago. :blush:

There is also the red logo version of the large binder

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Oh that’s one I’ve never seen. I’ll take a guess it’s from Australia same as the red text jungle/fossil booster packs?

Found another one I hadn’t seen before if anyone is still interested: