I’ve recently purchased a random lot of Promo cards and found a “Questions?” WOTC info card inside. The strange thing is that it has a regular Pokémon card backside to it.
I did some searching and what I can gather it was inserted into older theme decks as a source of contact for WOTC.
It seems pretty worthless, but Troll&Toad has one listed on their website for $200~. Whilst I don’t think that is even close to the value of this card, would it make sense to sell this to them through their buylist for $80~?
I can’t find too much more info about this card from what I already know, so does anyone else have any insight?
@azulryu, For sure, thanks for the quick reply. The main reason it stood out to me is the standard backside of the card compared to most promos/inserts of this nature.
I’d hold off on selling as they do seem fairly uncommon. There’s only one on ebay listed for $500 haha. Its definitely not worth that price but it does show that there are not many available. I tried to google it but not much info came up.
Hey! Was it my listing that you bought from eBay?
These were inserts in theme decks, from the information I have they came in the European 1999-2000 decks. But I have not personally opened one myself. I did get a couple in opened 1999-2000 theme decks though.
There’s also a second variation of the card I found with different contact information.
@martincollects, That’s interesting! Since you mentioned a few variants I had a search and found one with the “Questions?” text shifted down, one less phone number in the first section and no phone number at all for the second section - compared to the this one.
I don’t think it was your listing however, was from a UK seller (small bundle of promo cards, probably clearing out their collection).