I’m looking for a mint 1st edition Japanese 094/093 Reshiram Gold Card from EBB and a mint Japanese 002/131 MegaBeedrillEX from CP4. I am also looking for Japanese Pikachu promo cards. I would like to trade within the US. My references are on ebay.
I have for trade Japanese mint cards…
common cp3 cards
007/131 MegaSceptileEX
075/131 MegaLucarioEX
072/131 GroudonEX
043/131 MegaManectricEX
091/131 GiratinaEX
093/131 KangaskhanEX
096/131 RayquazaEX
055/131 WobbuffetBREAK
048/131 GengarEX
common cp4 cards
002/036 Celebi
004/036 Shaymin x2
007/036 Victini x3
017/036 Mew x2
019/036 Meloetta
024/036 Darkrai x2
027/036 Jirachi x2
029/036 Genesect x3
036/036 Arceus x3
031/036 Magearna
012/036 Manaphy
009/036 Volcanion
common cp5 cards