With my becoming a first-time father and life just getting busier in general, I have decided to begin the journey of collecting every single card of my favorite pokemon, Diglett and Dugtrio. It’s my way of staying involved in the hobby that doesn’t require a significant time commitment. Before this, I used to play competitively and served as the “backpack vendor” for my local community of competitive players. I no longer have the time to do all of that now, so this will be my way of riding into the sunset, so to speak.
As mentioned above, I really have only dealt with modern English cards. So in terms of finding and pricing cards, my experience goes as far as TCGplayer, eBay, and some of the bigger TCG facebook groups. Since a majority of the Diglett/Dugtrio fall in the common/uncommon rarity, they’re often forgotten and foreign copies aren’t always available on these sites.
What are some resources that you guys recommend when it comes to finding obscure 'bulk-tier" foreign cards, as well as any tips/tricks you use to access them from the United States. I know cardmarket is a good place for european languages, but that would require me to have a middleman, correct?
I’m mainly concerned with finding access to the non-Japanese, Asian languages like Indonesian, Korean, Chinese, etc.
Thanks for the help!Also, shout out to @quuador for the comprehensive Diglett/Dugtrio card lists!
Following this post also as I will be in a similar situation later this year and have a lot less time. I do a lot of searching on eBay and Facebook but needless to say it’s very time consuming
If you need help with anything Korean, let me know! I live in Seoul and I’ve helped out other members of the forum with sourcing Korean cards (@quuador being one of them! )