Hey all, looking to buy a couple of the Charizard EX box that just came out. Sadly they don’t sell the jumbo version here in the states and it seems to be hard to find online. There are a few but they are over $50 right now and that seems a little high to me. Is that a fair price? What do they retail for?
I was wondering if there was anyone that can go to a store and buy a few and ship them over to me, i’ll pay for everything and some commission for your time.
Or if anyone has any sites they know of selling them please feel free to link them here.
The cost to ship online is going to leave you with the current price range. The size of the box makes it impossible to use an affordable shipping method.
If you just wanted the jumbo card I could’ve possibly got you one and opened the box up and sent everything in a smaller parcel to lower shipping costs
Upon doing some more research it seems that the box doesn’t come out until 04/04/16. I just assumed they came out the same day as here in the states. That might be why i’m having so much trouble finding them online ATM. Can anyone confirm this?
Could that just be a restock? I could have sworn the 3/16/16 date was what chaos cards (UK card shop) had posted on their website while they still were holding preorders for the boxes.
It has been released in the UK, but there was an import problem so sites like Chaos Cards have had to send out as many preorders as they could, and those of us that didn’t get sent them are waiting for the rest of the preorders to be imported and distributed.
4/4/16 could be the date the second import is due to arrive
Okay I am looking to purchase 2 more boxes. I ordered 5 from different places and only one of them is mint… The rest are all damaged due to shipping. 1 I even had to send back because it looked like someone played socker with the box. Anyways, I am asking for someone to go to the store, pick out two MINT boxes (Please no stickers on the boxes ‘prices tags ect’) and ship them to me in something that can survive the over sea journey. I’m willing to pay for all expenses plus some extra for your time, and care with the packaging. If anyone is interested please let me know. thank you
I do not have any. There have been a few sellers wanting to do exchanges from the UK for English stuff and vice versa, but adding up the difference in price and shipping costs I usually never get these… even for Charizard
Hey, are you still looking for this? I live in Norway and not UK, but we also have the boxes with the jumbo card. Recently bought one from a local store, could possibly check if there are more left.