Looking to Buy: Japanese Gym 1 and 2 Holos

Looking to complete my graded Japanese Gym 1 and 2 sets
Does anyone have these that are mint/pack fresh? or possibly even graded 8 or above?

Lt Surges Electabuzz
Rockets Moltres
Rockets Scyther
Lt. Surge
Kogas Beedrill
Lt Surges Raichu

I have Rocket’s Scyther, Sabrina, Erika and Misty. I’m happy to take scans front and back for you if you’re interested.

On side I note I live in the U.K!

I was just about to bump this thread. I have a Scyther on the way, but i still need Sabrina Erika and Misty. If you could provide scans I would love to work w u!

Apologies for not getting back to you. I will try get the scans up for you later today! :blush:

Sounds Good - PM me with the scans plz :blush: