I’m trying to put a list together of all of the old magazines that carried WOTC promos (including JUMBOS).
Here is what I have so far:
Duelist “Jungle Fever” (#?? Sep. 1999) - Pikachu “W” Stamped
TopDeck (#?? Dec. 1999) - Kabuto “W” Stamped
TopDeck (#?? Feb. 2000) - Jumbo Base Set Pikachu & Fossil Booster
TopDeck (#?? Mar. 2000) - Wartortle “W” Stamped
TopDeck (#?? Aug. 2000) - Misty’s Psyduck “W” Stamped
TopDeck (#?? Mar. 2001) - Brock’s Vulpix “W” Stamped
Nintendo Power (#?? .
?)- E3 “Yellow Cheeks” Pikachu
Nintendo Power (#135 Aug. 2000) - #17 Dark Persian
Nintendo Power (#?? Oct. 2000) - #19 Sabrina’s Abra
Nintendo Power (#131 Apr. 2000) - #12 Mewtwo
Pokemon TCG for Gameboy: Official Player’s Guide - #13 Venusaur
If anyone could help by correcting any mistakes or listing cards I forgot, that would be greatly appreciated!