I can see there has not been many sales on this card and the sales have varied alot in price ranging from $6000-$1875. now i know the pop has slightly increased but when it was pop 31 it hit prices of 5000-6000+ and now its a pop 39 so not alot higher and is now going for around the region of 2000. Im wondering if this card still have the flexibilty to jump back to the those previous prices depending on whos in the market for one and how the supply is, with that said, Im wondering if buying in at 2000 is a good deal considering the potential that this card has moving fowards. any insights would be very much appreciated
This one’s hard to say in the long-run, because it really depends on how much interest remains in PSA 10 shadowless cards and how much people value that, mainly due to the lower pop as you’ve noted. In the short run, though, I wouldn’t expect to buy it and expect it to go back up to 5k+. Also if my memory serves correct (if this is incorrect someone please correct me on this), the pop was in the teens and then kind of suddenly went up, so there was a bit of time when prices didn’t align with the pop and things were still adjusting.
Imo, it’s a great time to buy if you’re a collector in general for most cards, including blastoise, as this time of the year is usually slower. A little harder to say if you’re looking at it in terms of an investment vehicle.
I wouldn’t say it ever hit prices of 5-6k. I remember those (2) sales. They were both from the UK, and seemed fishy at the time. One of them re surfaced recently… by the same seller that sold it for 6k last year . So, long story short, right now. I’d say just above or just below 2k depending on the card and the situation.
hmmmm the same seller recenly sold another blastoie im guessing this is the card you mean, i asked him how much he sold it for and he siad $3000, if thats true its alot closer to what gary sold his for just now. I guess the sales under 2000 were both auctions and im guessing with buy it now and some patience you could easily make up to 3000 for the card
It’s to much of a coincidence that a PSA 10 Charizard “sold” for BIN of $200,000.00 right around the same time Gary’s Listing “sold” for BIN. My guess is someone stupidly hit BIN on both those listings for attention - either that or someone hit the mega millions yesterday! Haha
@oldskoolpokemon , I also noticed the $200k 1st edition Charizard “sold”. How can the items appear “sold” without payment clearing? I thought clicking buy it now prompts payment.
eBay considers anything “sold” once somone clicks Buy it Now or Accepts Best Offer. That’s when eBay takes the Final Value Fee - they don’t wait for a cleared payment before taking their cut.
@acebren was spot-on regarding BIN / Payment - seller has option to require payment immediatly or allow time to provide payment. I’m not sure about cut-off for requiring immediate payment - never sold anything for over $5,000.00 on eBay before, so I’m well-under limit regardless! Haha
whaat, this seems weird…
200k for a card that’s in the 40-50k range seems fishy. I mean I’d be very happy if this is a legit sale…
let’s hear what happens once Gary is ready to update us!