I have a ton of power rangers cards (need to go through). PM me if interested. I also have a ton of 80/90’s TMNT cards — but it will be sometime before I can get to them (they are somewhere in a big huge hoard of cool stuff, I must 1st sell half of other huge hoard of cool stuff before I even have room to get to the older group).
I just sold some of my sailormoon prisms, and dbz carddass prisms recently.
Bandai carddass made most of the sailormoon stuff, from two different regions, Japan and Hong Kong.
I’m finding a lot in Hong Kong since I moved here recently, some fetch for about $20-$40 for one prism, but its hard to find those.
Lol japanime!! I’m sorry mate, do you want me to change it to a Hakujin no on’nanoko? I’m afraid if I did it would breach forum policy :S too Sekushī.
I actually picked up a few Digimon cards recently. They look really cool so i couldn’t resist, but i’m trying to stay away from other collectables ATM. Heres some pics:
Frankly, I’d rather see a Pokemon related signature avatar, or none at all. I really have enjoyed several of your posts, but the avatar is inappropriate for a forum like this. I hope you’ll reconsider. Thanks for hearing me out
Well I don’t think that the gif in his signature supports the objectification of women. To me, it is just a girl making all the cute asian faces and what not that people have come to know. If she did something more sexual, then I would agree with the objectification part. However, I do have to say that seeing that gif (or most gifs for that matter) over and over across forums can get annoying.
It’s just that I prefer not to have my teenage daughter ask me, “Daddy, why are you looking at that sukebe website?” when she sees me browsing the UPCCC.
Easiest method is to look at the prism reflection. If it takes up the entire surface area, there is a chance it could be fake. If you see nice flat glossy print, and it is well centered, and in perfect colour tone. Then it should be legit.
If you refer to the above, where it is pink. If it was fake, that section would continue to be reflective prism print. Early carddass Japanese Bandai productions shouldn’t be entirely prism/reflective, but I think as time went on they started making them fully reflective. I think only dbz, and pokemon carddass cards had a lot of fake productions because they we’re more popular.
Lol! and the .gif haha, I’ve got mixed thoughts about it here. it is so dam old, I’ve used it in forums since 2004… X.X There are a lot worst I could be posting… i might take it off, i’m not sure how to react. admin ?