McDonald's Australia - Happy Meal Promotion

For the month of August the happy meal toy in Australia is a pokemon figure and 1 of 12 pokemon cards.

At the moment it is not possible to view the card in proper details and by looking at the grubbin art work it is the exact same as the sm1 artwork.

I wonder if these are true promos. would be cool if they are and come with a special foil pattern or something.

Some McDonalds stores already have these, might go check out one near work on lunch break.


Looking at the Grubin card in the link you provided, it looks like it’s holofoil pattern is blocky like the other McDonald promos.


Awesome. If that is the case, Australia is getting sun moon promos before the USA. pretty cool :grin: will confirm later, hopefully.

Hmmmm… Who is exporting these to us??? LOL deff. interested lol.

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update: I’ve called four mcdonalds stores near me. One of them has them in stock. driving out soon. going to grab two different toys, which come with a sealed card. the toys look awesome, they light up! will post pics of them and the cards for y’all shortly. will be sending the cards to PSA as well, i’m going to stack a few over the next few weeks.

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Aussies have all the luck;)


It’s gonna be pretty comical when the Pokémon card surpasses the value of the Happy Meal x)


Do the cards come within the toys packaging?

I ask because I want to go in and juat buy the sealed uo toy and card.

I have to actually eat McDonalds now?

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I know you can buy toys individually for 2.50 each, which is why I am wondering if the card comes inside the toy packaging.

The card is in the toy packaging! i’m pretty sure the toys are $2 by themselves.

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Great success.

Here is a pic of the toy, note you can light up solgaleos face by pressing down on the tail.

Here is a pic of the card. Block pattern confirmed. every Mcdonalds store should have the cards by thursday. The only three cards i know of in the set so far are meowth, cosmog and grubbin.

I bought two happy meals, got two different toys but got 2 cosmogs. 1 has an indent and 1 is off center and warped. Not going to PSA. will be buying more over the month and hopefully getting some good candidates :blush: the holo pattern looks amazing


Here in California there’s some McDonalds where the entire Happy Meal costs $2, although I would not recommend eating the food anyways lol

Can’t wait to get those Hello Kitty toys :grin:

So what’s the card list? :open_mouth:

don’t officially know yet.

I know there is grubbin (clearly viewable on website at this stage), cosmog (i pulled it) and an alolan meowth (my mate got one).

I’m sure pikachu will be in the mix.

I do want that solgaleo for my collection.


I now know the follwoing cards are within the set;

* Cosmog
* Alolan Meowth
* Grubbin
* Yungoos
* Pikachu
* Pikipek
* Cutiefly
* Poplio
* Litten
* Rowlet

Yet to identify the last two


$2 each mate.