Moltres WotC Promo #21 Wanted List - 1 out of 20 left to go


With my Moltres WotC #21 Promo collection I only focus on the #21 WotC Promo Moltres artwork in all variations. So this is including PSA-10 graded version; sealed versions with every advert-card available; and NM/M ungraded & unsealed versions. Here in this Excel you can see my collection (in green), incoming cards (in yellow) and needed cards (in white).

I’ve also put a Wanted cards list in this thread which might be easier for some. I’ll try to update it regularly when I have new incoming cards. This version below is more updated than my Excel.

So, first of all the quality: I only buy EX/M/NM, sealed and PSA-10.

All Moltres #21 Wotc Promo Cards I’m still looking for sorted per language:
(Added prices to give an idea of what I’m willing to spend, but it is of course negotiable. NOTE: Prices are including shipping towards me in The Netherlands.)


Do you know about a variation with this artwork (perhaps another advert card on a sealed copy) that isn’t mentioned in my Excel, let me know (preferably with pictures if possible).


Any interest in this?

Is it not 043/048 ?

The corrected sealed :

Thanks @majomaal. I have seen both just yet. Send a message to the seller of the sealed set to ask if I can just buy the Moltres.
As the the PSA-9 I’m doubting a bit. I’m always hesitatingly to open a PSA case, since I’m looking for a non-graded copy. But I might do so with that one.

As for the miscut Moltres @fazool, depends on what you ask for it. :blush: If it would be a Pikachu, Seviper or Mimikyu I would be all over it, but for Moltres I’m mainly looking at completing this single 9-card page, with the additional 4 PSA-10 and 2 sealed copies.


Modified the original wanted list, and added sealed copies.

Just four more left to find:

  • English Corrected PSA-10
  • Japanese 1st edition NM/M ungraded
  • German sealed
  • Spanish sealed


Bump. And modified original post to make it similar to my Pikachu wanted list and Seviper wanted list.


Bump! Been able to find a Japanese 1st edition Web non-holo. Unfortunately the package with the sealed German Moltres got lost. :sob: So I have to find it again. 5 more to go.


Bump, been able to find another sealed German Moltres which is currently incoming. Hopefully this one doesn’t get lost…

4 more to go. :blush:


Sealed German Moltres arrived without a problem, and I removed two from my list for which I’m fairly certain they don’t exist.

Only a PSA-10 corrected Moltres and sealed Spanish Moltres left to find.


Bump. Anyone know if the Spanish sealed Legendary birds exist?

And I’ve send three corrected Moltres to PSA myself, hoping for at least one 10 (all three looked Gem Mint, so I would be surprised if all three of them are 9s).

So only the sealed Moltres with Game Boy Color advert card left to find (and the Spanish sealed one if it exists).


Bump. I really want those last (one or) two sealed versions… :slightly_frowning_face:


Hi Quuador, the link I have send you fits the 65 USD you want to pay or is it not what you are looking for?

Hi, you mean your link from 20 augustus? This one:

I indeed already have this one. The one I’m still looking for is this one, but then for Moltres instead of Zapdos:


Sealed Gameboy Articuno was sold yesterday on the Australian eBay:

Too bad the seller didn’t had the Moltres. :slightly_frowning_face: Anyone has this sealed Moltres, because it’s the last one I need to complete my collection?

Also discovered today that this Gameboy advert card is also available for the Ancient Mews. :blush: Perhaps a nice fact for the sealed Mew collectors here.


Bump. Still looking for this last sealed Moltres.

PS: Will merge my Seviper and Moltres WTB threads next month, since I’m only looking for three cards in total for these right now for them to be completed. Had already posted a bump for my Seviper thread when I just thought about this…

My Pikachu WTB thread will still remain separated, since I’m still looking for 50-75 cards.
