MTG Strixhaven Art

Does anyone else enjoy the new MTG Strixhaven alternate art cards?


yea they look great, Japanese ones looked awesome too


Yes! I bought a Collector’s Booster box to open — first MTG product in over five years. I especially love the Japanese alt arts:

No absolute favourites, just excited to see what these cards look like in person :blush:


the faithless looting kinda looks like an un card.

Wooow, whats the name of these cards so I can buy em all asap


My single collector box is coming soon hopefully. Hope to pull the japanese alt arts. Really beautiful

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God this set is gorgeous. I’ve been missing out on buying anything for any new decks this year since everything’s closed down and my old play group has spread across the country.

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What did you guys pay for the collector box?

I’d love to complete a set of this but I’ve never collected any modern MTG, is there a site or something with a checklist including all the variants? Because all these foils and alt arts are quite confusing for a newbie
Any MTG people able to help me?

edit: found this

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See the cards with this link.

My goodness I´m absolutely stunned. Received my first boxes and cracked them, the artwork is beyond gorgeous. The best modern release since the Innistrad block.

@celestialdragon got mine for around 200euro each!


@shadowless , regarding the Japanese Alternate art cards, is there a difference between ‘etched foil’ and ‘foil’?
I’m looking at Ebay listings and can’t tell from the generic pics if there is a difference… I want the full shiny cards.

For example these two cards are sold as ‘etched foil’ by different sellers.

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$230. Kinda full priced but it’ll be worth it to get some of these awesome alt arts

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@celestialdragon, the etching is in the border around the text — it’s really subtle but I like it! I paid £200 for my box, will be opening it live on my insta later this evening :blush:


Is a full foil etched?
I can’t find info explaining if these Japanese alt cards have multiples… like can you pull one art in etched, etched foil and full foil without etched? :sob: Or is there only one version of each japanese alt art?

It is really confusing isn’t it? Afaik all Japanese alt cards, that come from Collector’s Boosters, come in either etched foil or full foil variants. Full foil variants don’t have the etching.
So two versions of each card. I don’t actually know if this differs in normal Japanese booster boxes, but I’d imagine not? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Edit: Etched foil, meaning it’s just the foil etching around the text border. The other variant is a normal “full” foil.

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For sure grabbing a collectors box for fun. I do think Wizards missed an opportunity to include the Professor (Tolarian Community College) in the set.


uhm yeah, I’ll have to reread this one more time before I get what cards have what foil variants…

But the wiki
says they all get foil and etched foil variants
So Non-foil, etched foil, full foil versions of the Mystical Archive cards (both global art and Japanese art) :blush:


The full foils don’t have the etching, the etched foils have a bit less foil but the etching instead :wink:


Welp I just spent 200€ on all the cards I like that aren’t too expensive. I’d imagine playability is the big factor for card cost as opposed to Pokemon, so I hope I can get the rest when they rotated out of the relevant formats. :grin: Got them all in standard Foil, one can only dream about what they would’ve looked like with Pokemon style texture…