Howdy everyone I have something to admit to the world here… I have found myself addicted to collection 1997 carddass recently to the point where I am making spreadsheets and doing research for hours at a time. I am creating this thread because I couldn’t specifically find one dedicated to discussing how awesome these cards are so here it is. I would also love to see other peoples collection of this card so I can be envious and find even more motivation to collect these awesome cards. Any cool facts or knowledge about these cards is also greatly appreciated!
P.S.- While making this I just saw the Koffing card for the first time and he’s literally exploding… IDK y but that is awesome.
I’m glad so many people agree. I’ve been selling my modern graded cards 1) because the market is going down and im pretty bearish on modern rn and 2) because I want to put that money into this set. Sugimori drew these like he heard a description of the pokemon for the first time and I’m here for it!
I’ve been debating if I should start collecting those. I love the original anime and watched it every morning and those cards are like a snapshot into the show for me and brings back so many memories. I didn’t know people faked those cards thought. Is it a pretty big problem?
Search for Carddass Anime, I think the Google search brings up this forum andre the top post describes what to look out for regards fakes. The biggest one is that non holos are missing “made in Japan” on the back