MY 2025 New year's Resolution

Hit my 2024 Resolution of $500,000 sales a couple of weeks ago.
My 2025 New Years Resolution will be a very difficult one.

Start my own TPG company. This one will be a big challenge.
-Getting even started will be hard.
-Grade at least 1,000 cards a month by mid 2025
-Start from the bottom and see how many of the smaller TPG companies i can pass on the way up.
-Lets see if it is even possible .

This will be a very very difficult task.


Good luck!


What will you do to make your grading company stand out from all the other TPG places out there? I like to get certain cards done by other companies, so I’d love to send one your way once it is up and running. Please keep me in the loop of your plans!

Here are some possible names. Feel free to use any of them!

IDK Grading - Send your cards to us. Where? IDK.

SHH Grading - We go above and beyond when it comes to [muffled voices]

NDA Grading - Our current submitters are very loyal, we don’t need any more

404 Grading - Address not found

N/A Grading - Not Available, at least not to you


Congrats on meeting the 2024 goal, wish i was able to complete mine but still on the hunt so its awesome to see someone complete such huge goals.

Now that you are getting a head start on 2025, are you going to leverage your audience here into some quick advertising for a new company? Im sure a few lurkers would be willing to give it a shot depending on how it looks.


I really congratulate you on the 2024 success and wish you well on 2025. That said I’m generally just quite vexed with your refusal to interact with people in a remotely collaborative way. There are threads with thousand of comments on here about bad buying and selling experiences. Someone that’s a good seller showing up on the forum would seem to have a happily captive audience.


#dreambig #flyhigh

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-Not out to conquer PSA.
-Target is for under $100 cards at the beginning. Expensive cards all should go to PSA.
-currently grade more cards than many smaller companies.
-Why waste my time pumping other grading companies with the cards that are great already.

IDK, trying to narrow down my focus at this point.

No, i have a very big customer base that trust the cards we have. Just wanted to document my journey without my customer base cheering me on. If i can succeed in a hostile environment , it will be a cake walk with a more favorable current consumer base.

The only way to success is hearing the bad points, no need to hear “your the best” “wow, perfect”. Many companies become complacent because of only positive feedback.

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I wish you the best of luck, but…

Why would anyone grade an expensive card with you, over PSA?

Why would anyone grade cheap shit with you, over CGC’s $8 tier?

Genuine questions to ask. Hopefully you have solid answers to these even if you dont want to tell us


If you want a good jumpstart, I recommend trying to buy out EMA grading. Already a beautiful slab design, grading scale, and customer base:


“The only way to success is hearing the bad points” dog you are NOT hearing them is the problem lmfao


Just answer this.

Will your service be generally available to members of this forum or is only for yourself and existing buyers?

If the average forum user cannot access the service then there is absolutely no relevancy to this community, or frankly any community. I’ll just lock the thread now if so.

If you are going to be open about the service, I’ll allow the thread to continue.


Posted, “ALL EXPENSIVE CARDS SHOULD GO TO PSA. period. Not even cgc/bgs/sgc. PSA is the final on expensive cards”

CGC is not a option for many smarter submitters. We do enough volume to understand that CGC GM10 are not pulling any substantial money, the CGC 9s are under cost of grading.
Like PSA. CGC 10pristine or bust.
PSA 10 or bust

we are targeting the under $100 market. We can be competitive from the start with ultramodern under $100 market. easy.

This is still in the plans. How can anyone release any product until the product is tested to be a solid product. Some TPG companies take 3+ years to start releasing final product.

Feel free to lock the thread. If you think a persons plan to start a business is finalized in the first month of plans, that is on you. You locking this thread is another fail by you and you are failing your members.

Members, this is how “your perfect” “you are 100% right” because a person, leader, boss is in a environment that employees or friends are afraid to correct the idiotic thinking of the boss/leader.

PFM , read your first idiotic post in this thread. You are a very bad example for members here.

REALLY disappointed in smpratte for letting this type of moderation happen.

Members lets be real, look at PFM actions, Why would any company, shop or business want customers if you all are like PFM ?

Lurkers that know who i am(stay silent please, just read), Let these be a lesson on haters and how they act. Its a mod what makes it worse.

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Calm down man.


Please read PFM first post in this thread. I ignored PFM so they could not stand being ignored so now PFM wants to lock the thread.


Shout out lurkers

Please don’t think poorly of e4


will your grading company use AI to grade or authenticate

can you just answer my extraordinarily simple question?