Nice Flareon collection. Are you working on a master Flareon set or just picking up cards you like?
I’m going to work on a binder of every English Flareon release. PSA cards just ones I like. Graded cards are over priced and overvalued, but that’s just my opinion. I say that as I have bought 10s instead of 9s
Nice. I have a master collection spreadsheet in my collection thread, linked in my signature. You can filter on Flareon to confirm your list includes all variants.
Beautiful start to an already impressive collection. What makes Flareon your favorite?
He just looks like a giant, fluffy, and huggable kitty. My other favorite Pokemon are Charmander, Dragonair, Lugia, Chimchar, and Dialga.
Great collection, will suggest a no jungle single Flareon as an addition!
Yeah, I need to add the Jungle cards to that Binder. I have the 2 set cards in my jungle set, and another holo Flareon in my 151 binder. Need to pick up the no symbol soon.
Very nice, love to see the binder collection. I’ll check my extras, if I have any Flareon’s you’re missing I’d be happy to send them to you
Okay, just let me know!
Great collection! I love the HGSS and radiant flareons
Awesome collection. Definitely my second favorite Eeveelution. What’s your holy grail for this?
PSA card wise - PSA 10 No Symbol or Reverse Holo Legendary collection. I also really really love the Delta Species Flareon, and want to get a 10 copy. But my “grail” woukd be a binder of every release of Flareon.
Delta species is easily my favorite series for the Eeveelutions. I’m not a huge fan of graded cards. I bought a cheap one just to have 1 graded card in my collection, but I could see myself making an exception to get that set graded.
Now that’s a Flareon collection. Congrats! Definitely subscribed and will be looking to see more videos of future pickups!
Thank you @lamplamp, for adding five cards to my English Flareon master set!
Glad to see everything arrived safely! Looking forward to seeing your Flareon collection continue to grow
One of my favorite pokemon! Wow that’s a great collection, puts mine to shame!
Any collection, large or small, expensive or cheap, is never shameful, as long as you are proud of what you can accomplish.