National Championships 2007-2008 1st place trophy

Hi everyone,
Found a nice glass trophy with Blastoise from the National Championships 2007-2008:

Does anyone have a little more information about them?
Howmany are there around? Did they come with a special card?
All information welcome.


That page explains what the you would win from the National championships (no special card). All competitors received this card though

Since there were 3 age divisions per country and multiple countries around the world that held the tournament, theres probably on the order of 100 or so similar trophies out there


Here is some info I found:

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That is more than I could find, thank you guys for the help.
(And @teamrocketop for pointing out my bad spelling :stuck_out_tongue:)

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Hey hey hey 😉, I didn't want to put it in public haha