Need help - Are these cards recolored?

I bought a handful of 1st edition base raw non holos on eBay, but they looked off when I was inspecting the backs for edgewear. I noticed that some of the edges looked shinier and had slightly different shades of blue. I asked the seller where they got the cards and they said it was from a local collector who sold them a binder with cards from when they were a kid. Can anyone with more experience tell me whether they think these are recolored?

I uploaded some pics here: The last pic is a comparison between my own base set card (on the right) and one that I purchased (left).

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Seller provided an efour link with pics which show the same discoloration: (In case this ever becomes helpful for anyone else in the future)

Really hard to tell with the camera glare. Your second pic does look particularly suspicious to me though.


It’s definitely really subtle. But all of the cards I bought have that bit of darker blue along the outer edges of the border… if that makes sense.

It’s easy buddy, get a good loupe and inspect them, with x30 magnification is enough, they are worth like 2 usd on ebay and check the white borders. If some ink managed to reach them you will notice. If it was applied just on the surface I would say it will be hard to tell if its subtle. Good luck


Thanks for the tip I just ordered one on eBay.

looks very fishy to me… speaking as someone who got duped by recolored comic books as a kid

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