Neo-series booster box

I’m a little behind in prices but I think Revelation would be around $1,500, Genesis $1,250-$1,400, Discovery $1,250-$1,500. As for smartest investment in the long run I would say any of them would be good choices, Revelation has the 2 Shining cards though so it might be a little more appealing.

As for weighing packs I don’t find any problem with that if you sell them clearly stating they are weighed and sell at a discounted price. I have several eBay customs request weighed packs for sealed collections so they don’t have to spend as much because they know they won’t be opening them.

If you want to buy the box as an investment then keep it sealed, if you open then and weigh the packs then there isn’t much point in buying a whole box in my opinion as keeping weighed packs implies you want the holos inside in which case you might as well just buy a set instead.

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I think they are all really good investments although Neo Destiny has more shining cards than Neo Revelations. Neo Genesis also has that Lugia. Nice to see other people who love the Neo era :blush:

In long run Neo Revelation is most likely the box you want to pick from 3 options above, by all means all of them are great choices, just a matter of your personal preference.

Also you’ll need at least $1000 per box on current market for Genesis/Discovery, Revelation is in range of $1500.

I actually started collecting again as an adult by purchasing a Neo Genesis box. It was a good investment because since then the prices have quadrupled. The way I see these boxes are not coming down in price in the foreseeable future.
If you are looking to invest in a sealed box, you need to ask yourself “Is there room for a price increase?” You want to get something that, if you need to, you can liquidate for a higher price at any given time. Imagine you have $10,000 to spend on a box and got to keep the remainder. What would you pay for one of these boxes? If the answer is more than the current price I say go for it!
Here’s what you should know about the Neo box market:
Neo Discovery has seen the largest price increases in the past 2-3 years. High growth.
Neo Genesis has increased steadily over the past 4-5 years. High growth.
Neo Revelation saw a major price increase a few years ago (from about $400 to $1500+) and has leveled off since then (probably the rarest of the 4). Steady to low growth.
Neo Destiny saw a major price increase from about $800 to $2000 about 4-5 years ago and hasn’t come down much since. Low growth but high popularity. This will probably always remain the most expensive of the Neo boxes.

If anyone is knowledgeable on the current market price for neo booster boxes, feel free to update my spreadsheet with more accurate prices :blush: