New GX Mechanic “Tag Team”


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Nice what artwork would be a nice combo, Groudon/Kyogre, Mew/Mewtwo, Dusk Mane Necrozma/Dark Wing Necrozma.

Jynx/Machamp make-out Full Art Card…

Would be cool…


Now thats quite the interresting mechanic, three prize cards taken for one big pokemon. Any TCG-players got any interresting opinion to throw out about this new mechanic?

Edit: Finally the Minun/Plusle duo and other similar popular duos can be done in a really sleek manner. (Maybe even Team Magma/Aqua tag teams can be done?)

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Krabby/Corphish or Kingler/Crawdaunt please. :grin:



Interesting…and I’m so glad these (or at least this particular one) isn’t illustrated by 5ban graphics, it’s getting really boring how 99% of the gx cards have been illustrated by them.


Need this!

Imagine a Tag Team Hyper Rare with Charizard GX and Rayquaza GX?! (Maybe it’ll break the market?!)


So true

Finally something new to liven up the Sun and Moon block.

And the art. Mitsuhiro Ariten/10.

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Yeah the art is a welcome change, the reveal trailer for the new mechanic starts by highlighting that the card has hand drawn art, I got excited watching this! I can’t wait to make some decks with these new cards too! :grin:

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Looking forward to all the cool art work! Curious to see if TPCi will make these like secret rare or will they dump these into the playing field.

I hope we get more odd-couples like this, seeing a cute little Mouse paired with a Legendary Being is something else!

I’d personally like to see a Gible ridding a Rayquaza into battle if I’m being totally honest…


Turns me off modern big time. Hopefully following sm era we see less of that 5ban shit.

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3 prize cards for knocking it out

Cool collector gimmick though, it’s like a budget CG version of the Legend cards.

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3 prizes isn’t enough, this thing takes 4 easy. Plus it still takes 3 KOs for your opponent to take all prizes.

This is insane power creep, just wait for the next ones.

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Definitely interesting and quite the bump for power creep.

It still has fighting weakness & lostmarch is probably gonna be a thing+ you already have non-GX decks scoring big @worlds, so hopefully this one wont be to OP in the meta (already afraid for the other ones)

It’s definitely powerful but I don’t think it’s gonna break the Meta or anything by steamrolling everything else, it’s HP is still less than some stage 2 pokemon we already have, like Solgaleo and Lunala GX. It’s a basic which is a big advantage, but I still think my trusty Gardevoir could take it! :grin: