New Japan Pikachu Promo w/ Adidas Stamp!

This card looks incredible!

Here is a link to the only auction I have seen:

What are your thoughts on the price? How rare do you think it could be? It seems like they took @smpratte’s suggestion and put a stamp on it, so I am pretty pleased.

It’s from a magazine.
I’m chuckling over the price it has.

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English version plz

Great idea to release another football-themed card for markets during World Cup. :stuck_out_tongue:

Photo credits to @viperfox :blush:

How much does a magazine run for? :blush:

Not $60!
I’m not sure on that detail though. Beautiful promo.

Got mine sealed with magazine for $12 on Y!J.

Edit: Just got another one for $10, better do it now that they’re cheap, lol.

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Well 4 sold in 24 hours.

And that’s just to cujucuyo :wink:

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Some of these Japanese sellers on eBay must love impatient Westerners who go gaga over promo cards without doing their research first.

Can anyone get one of these for me for a reasonable price?

I’ve had same thoughts lately, better wait few weeks that prices start to settle.

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Most buyers prefer ebay because it is convenient and worldwide. Items sell higher regularly on eBay. Which is why a lot of members here buy on YJ! and sell on eBay.

The irony is that if everyone knew about and used YJ! prices would increase. The only reason they are low is because majority of the world does not know or use YJ!

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For this, I am thankful.

Back when I didn’t know about Y!J or this forum I purchased 2 of the 3 ANA folders for $75, I thought this was a bargain as I used to see each card go for about $50 on back in 1999/2000 (now defunct). Later that year I got each folder for $10-$15 each on Y!J. lol

Ya and now due to the market being flooded currently with older cards, ANA promos are down to that price on ebay even. Its slightly disgusting for me to see them sell so cheap right now, especially considering the $15-20 price tag I paid and the fact that I’m a big fan of them due to my dad being a pilot and would like to see their value and regard improve.

Well, personally I find it great that the prices for the ANA promos are now more accessible towards collectors looking for them on eBay, mainly because let’s face it, most of the people looking for them are PKMN TCG collectors like us, and we all like it when we complete a part of our collection that didn’t require us to chop off a leg and sell it.

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