I don’t recognize this one. Still really cool! Technology is incredible!
They actually ripped this banner from an old forum website I think. I believe the Pokémon is Chorizo or something
Light mode
Dark mode stands out more when I am in the office and am on the forum instead of working.
Must be an early April Fool’s prank. I’m pretty sure that’s Greymon from Digimon.
Charizards reporting for duty
For context, this was the banner 10 years ago when I first joined! Back when the forum was called UPCCC and a charizord was one of the few cards worth more than $200
What humble origins. Too bad that old card didn’t end up worth anything in the long run.
That character is . Might have to pick one up for the (U)PC(CC)
When did the name change to E4?
Oh right, that’s the Blue-Eyes Orange Dragon from yugioh! @stagecoach
You must be confused, that is clearly a Greymon from Digimon
Ok but the new/returning Espeon banner is incredible @shizzlemetimbers
Eh Dynamax flareon ofcourse, duh!
Here is a secret look into the staff board regarding the change from UPCCC to E4:
The date was 1/16/16 → which conveniently is 1st / 4x4 / 4x4
surely a coincidence!
as a side note, all threads before that date are tagged with upccc-archive and all threads that predate the modern site are tagged with e4-archive
petition to make a new banner with this <3