Nicest Kingdra card?

There must be some beauties in the newer sets that I don’t know about. Anyone know of any Kingdra cards that they think are particularly nice? English or Japanese.

The Kingdra EX FA that they’ve yet to announce obviously.

… One can dream… :slightly_frowning_face:

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The Crystal is probably the most popular Kingdra, and with good reason. I personally also like the Neo 3 Kingdra. Was one of those cards that was a holo in the Japanese set and just a rare in English.


My two favorites :blush:


The Neo 3 one is the one that stands out for me. The holo makes the bubbles look real, very cool. I don’t like the Crystal at all unfortunately, I just don’t like the style of art used for it and possibly the colourless card makes it look a bit dreary.


A quick google and this looks pretty sweet.


Japanese old school kingdra ex looks better lol

I like the big e-Series border :wink:

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Just look at that bad boi:

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Gotta love the original card.

Other than that Crystal Kingdra is definitely nice card ( + regular Aquapolis version ), Dragon Frontiers Kingdra ex too.


I was always disappointed in that evo line. One because I think Seadra’s design was much better. Two because…

It’s a Water/Dragon. *jealous /end rant before it starts*

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I like the crystal kingdra art the most I have to say.


I think this thread has reawoken an idea in my head to make a 1-251 Pokedex collection of ungraded cards, trying to narrow down my favourite artwork per Pokemon. I’m thinking it will be totally Japanese. It’s going to take a long long time I think, even just to choose each one, but it’ll be very fun and rewarding!


Idea supported.

For a long time, I knew Kingdra reminded me of something from a cartoon. I couldn’t remember the first thing about what show it was though, just a very very vague memory of it from years ago. I don’t know why or how but I had a sudden flashback of the cartoon. Racoons! The Racoons!

A quick google and…

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My vote