No Dot Code Kyogre ex Variant

I just bought the No Dot Code Kyogre ex from a friend for 150usd. But I have noe more information on in it. I know it’s limited to Scandinavian and Australia but no idea if I over payed since this card sealed never comes up. Do any one here know anything more about it? Kind regards :blush:


Do you have a photo of the card? I am not familiar with this variant

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This is interesting. Had no idea this was a thing. I tried looking for sales data, but a quick search didn’t show anything. Maybe you’ll be the benchmark for the card’s price.


Perhaps. I am sending it of to grade sealed with PSA and hopefully they will grade it. I will of course post the grade if I remember it. I have also found a couple of them here in Norway in very bad condition. I found some more information on it. In Norway they where realesed with Donald Duck magazines back in the days. A very interesting card.
Wondering if PSA will recognize the card.


But if there is any more information, whether psa grade it and possibly price. It would help a lot and thank you in advance.

Can’t add any useful information, except that I’ve only seen 4-5 thus far in 8 years time (keeping in mind that I don’t specifically look for them, so only see them here on Efour or reddit). Here a picture of it next to a Groudon (not mine, just a picture I saved):

They’re defintely pretty rare, especially still sealed (which I’ve only seen once thus far).

Didn’t knew this. I know it was released in Australia inside a K-Zone magazine. And I have heard it was also released in some Scandinavian countries, but never knew how. So Norwegian Donald Duck is defintely plausible, especially since the non-holo Dratini and Larvitar with stamp came in Swedish and Danish Donald Duck as well:

Swedish Donald Duck that contained the Larvitar and Dratini:

Danish Donald Duck:

PS: PSA will most likely grade them, but not give them a special label compared to their regular versions with bar I’d imagine. :person_shrugging: Not sure, though.



Whoa this very informative! Thank you so much :star_struck:. I am really excited now. If there is any guidelines on price it would also be very helpful :grin:. Kind regards

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My No Dot Code Kyogre ex is finally on its way back from PSA😄. Got a PSA 8, but PSA verified the Australian print so I am happy.



That’s awesome, congrats😄 This forum is the only place I found any real information about these cards. I have the Groudon ex and I thought it was fake first😂 Reddit was almost no help they only knew about the other version. I’m from a small island in Norway so guess it was from Donald duck. I definitely didn’t get it from Australia haha.


Unfortunately, none of the 2003-2007 issues came with any Pokemon cards. Bionicles, yes. Duel masters, yes. But no Pokemon. :sob:

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Thank you :smile:. I am from Stavanger and found the card on Instagram. There was also one sealed sold on the Norwegian Facebook group recently :smile:.

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True, I am stilling trying to hunt down the magazine that contained the cards😄

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Aha :smile: That’s cool. Mine is not sealed but pretty good condition. As opposed to the rest of my childhood cards haha.
Seems the cards come through the facebook group pretty often.

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Surprisingly difficult to get hold of this card! Looking for a copy of this if anyone has one to trade/sell!

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I have sendt mine of to Pwcc :blush:. It got a psa 8​:blush:.

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As far as I know (I can be wrong) they graded the seal not the card.
Your card might be a 9 or a 6, but as long it’s in the seal they don’t grade the card.

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Correct :blush:. The card graded sealed is actually pop 1 :blush:. I don’t know if anyone has graded just the card yet :grin:.

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I remember people on pokegym talking about it and after a quick search I found one of the Norwegian adult members mentioning the Groudon en Kyogre Ex non holo being released in Norway, 2004.