Can you get a better picture of the spot?
That’s a misprint, and not damage?
What makes me think it may be damage is that the text letters from the name and “lv” are faded as well, those are printed separately so why would both be lacking ink if not by something that affected both post production, in that case possible damage. It’s just a theory by the only pic provided.
I have a friend with a Venusaur like this and it might be damage and not an error. It’s possible the paint was lifted off with tape
If I’m not mistaken, I think the blank ink may get printed twice so it appears that the colored spots are removed and the black remains. I’ll try to get a picture if I can
Why instead of doing that you get a 2usd magnifying glass or jewelry loupe and get some great x30-60 photos of the ink pattern with your cheap phone?