Hi all!! Does anyone have recommendations on the best places to purchase non-English full art supporters besides eBay? Was looking specifically for Portuguese and French. Also, are there any good websites to check what prices the cards are going for such as TCG Player?
I personally buy almost all my French, German and Italian cards from CardMarket (European only). Spanish and Portuguese can also be found there sometimes, but not as much for newer sets since they are primarily released in Brazil for Portuguese and Latin American countries (Argentina, Mexico, Chile) for Spanish cards.
Another option I sometimes use are the respective eBays for French, German, and Italian: ebay.fr/ebay.de/ebay.it. Although sellers usually only ship domestically within their own country, they are willing to ship internationally after messaging them (although I live in The Netherlands, so it’s still relatively close to their countries). (There is also a Spanish eBay.es, but it’s not used at all from my experience.)
So for French: Cardmarket: Buy and Sell Pokémon Cards Online or ebay.fr
For Portuguese: finding a Brazilian contact
Hope that helps. Good luck with your FA Supporter collection! Feel free to also create a thread in the Collection section to show it. As a FA Supporter collector myself, it’s always nice to see other people’s collections.
Thanks for the information. I’ll look into those sites over the weekend and definitely post some pictures of my collection when I get a chance.