Obscuring PSA Cert. Numbers

Why do some people obscure the PSA cert number on their cards when sharing pictures? I’ve never fully understood the point of this.

I apologize if there’s already a thread on this that I missed.

Purely for counterfeiting reasons im pretty sure. I think this may have been a more pressing issue in the past than it is now however from before the cert part of the cards changed to include the holofoil psa logo.

Maybe they want to keep privacy of some sales and sales prices.


here’s the thing about many of those reasons. they do it for stupid cards worth under $100.
there was a post on reddit where a guy did this for the new japanese evolution charizard.
a card worth less than $40. who the fuck cares about stealing a card worth that much and
that easily obtainable. I could understand protecting sales and purchases, but even that
is kind of dumb because that doens’t do much. the highest end cards rarely block out the numbers
and its more about the people who are selling them. If i want a high end WOTC I know plenty of
seasoned sellers an would turn to them.


Just from scans the barcodes can be scanned by the psa app. One thing that always makes me laugh is when they block the number but not that.


I never understood the benefit of hiding the serial number.


The only time that I have found when hiding a serial number is relevant is when you want to protect the identity of a lower population card that is trading hands. If I was to sell my Pop 3 $1000 card to a friend of mine and didn’t want the seller I bought it from to know I just turned right around and sold it then I would ask my friend to cover up the # so my seller didn’t know it was the same card.

This is true for eBay as well. If you sniped a card an auction and plan to relist it for higher to make some money - you might want to cover the number so that the previous seller doesn’t see his same card up knowing he might have just ripped himself off.

This is the one I can relate to the most. Though it’s somewhat negated when people will post things to tell everyone that it’s been sold, and even sometimes to whom and for how much. I think from the moment you’ve taken money for something in a private deal it’s not yours to publicise or showcase any longer (within reason). Pet peeve of mine…

I’ve had many of my eBay pics lifted, serial number blocked, then put up for sale elsewhere. Even on eBay.

  1. There is no “good” reason.

  2. The seller is always hiding something.

I never have, and never will, buy a card from any seller who blocks out serial numbers.


The cert helps to validate the cards authenticity by providing a link to PSA database so it is always iffy when it is censored

Oh man, I had a heated discussion about this on the UK FB page last night.

The only reason to block a serial number, in my opinion, would be for personal collection reasons and blocking people from seeing where it is you bought a card from.

I don’t personally agree with it but whatever floats a collectors boat.

Sellers that block it out are blocking out vital information about the card. I know that PSA has increased their security on their cards a few times since I started collecting graded cards, but blocking something that I need to use to verify a potential purchase is very shady.

It’s really down to personal preference, but I know I will avoid seller who cover serial numbers.

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Well just remember it can always be worse and that there’s always that one person who has to take it a step further… :unamused:



Some collectors like to keep the grade private, for completely legitimate reasons. /s

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PSA 11 POP 1/1 Super Rare Trust me.


I block out the psa 4 rating because my charizard identifies as a psa 10.


did you just assume my Grade?


‘Pokemon - Charizard Card 1Edition
Rare & NEW
From my collection…
unfortunately I have to sell it…
I don t ship to Italy.
No Italian ebuyers!!

Item location:
Roma, RM, Italy


I lol’d hard. Why would someone write this?

To make sure the buyer isn’t someone who can walk down the street and knock on his door looking for answers. :ninja:


I didn’t even realize that that was the description. Lol at least he keeps me entertained xD