Opening Collection Boxes?

Hello All,

I’ve bought some modern collection boxes over the past year, some shining legends Raichu boxes for example. Over the medium to long term, does keeping a collection box/tin sealed provide a premium over the individual packs? While I imagine that there may be a slight premium, I want to weight that with the amount of space it takes to keep like 25 of those boxes around.


Make a list of the packs and check the price vs the sealed boxes –

You will reduce space; increase work –

Thanks Odds! Would you say from your experience that the premium of packs vs sealed collection boxes/tins stays around the same over time?

For example, 3 shining legends packs go for $30, but the box sells for $40 now. In 10 years, say the packs are now worth $60. Would the box be worth about $80?


Well take a look at evolutions boxes, 36 packs cost far less than a sealed box of 36 packs. Bundles, blisters, boxes, etc. always have a premium over loose packs for obvious reasons. They’re more collectible and guaranteed unweighed (unless resealed). I agree with you regarding space. My red and blue collection boxes are killing me on space haha but no way I’d break those things down into a stack of 4 packs and lose that appeal