Hello Everyone,
Just a preface, this might be a lengthy post; however, I feel that is is worth the venture. Everything you are about to read is my humble opinion. I am not a financial/wealth management expert so please, make sure you do your own due diligence and analysis before making any “investment”.
This post is going to be about my current opinions around the investment scene within Pokémon TCG (both vintage & modern). I will try and keep it streamlined yet packed full of thoughts and philosophy around general investing. It’s important to note, this is not about collecting.
- Current Economic Conditions & Collectibles (2019-2022+beyond)
- Pre-Multiple Catalyst Bull Run (Pre-2019)
- Understand Investment Philosophy
- Short Term vs Long Term
- What Are Speculative Assets
- No one can predict the future
Current Economic Conditions & Collectibles
So, in the current economic climate (in this post we will focus on American; however, global economic issues are quite complex in this year) interest rates are rising, speculative assets are dropping in price, large amount of credit/leverage has been exhausted since the start of the pandemic due to easing by the FED. The FED drastically cut interest rates down to almost 0% and also started handing out economic stimulus to keep the economy moving because if people are not spending money due to lockdowns/job loss then the economy can’t sustain and we will enter a rapid contraction across many sectors.
This is important, because investing into a collectible is a speculative investment. The items has no IV (intrinsic value) beyond the price of the cardboard/material use to create the product. I would go to say 99% of the products value is purely EV (extrinsic value). Speculative assets are always at the mercy of current economic conditions and are alway hit first by FED behavior especially when it comes to their approach on interest.
This is not going to be a deep dive on the FED/Interest Rate; however, general consensus is that with Interest Rate increases, we normally see the results either fixed into the current stock price already or we see immediate sharp volatile reactions within markets. If the fed raises rates, well price on speculative assets start decreasing immediately however, with rate decreases, we normally see speculative assets respond in favor of the market and continue to rise.
This is why in 2019 we see such a large influx in many speculative asset classes where people were taking normally non speculative assets and turning them into HEAVY SPECULATIVE vehicles, such as Houses, Vehicles(cars/trucks), Business ventures, it was so cheap to get debt that with 0% interest rates it was a no brained to acquire debt to try and make money. However, when the FED reverts and raises rates sharply, these new speculative vehicles (vehicles in this sense is not actual cars/trucks), will be negatively impacted quickly.
So, with all of this in mind, 2019 and beyond, was an interesting time period for all market sectors not just collectibles, we seen many sectors turn into speculative vehicles and people were making money.
However, the FED is now reversing their approach and entering into a period of economic tightening so that they can fight inflation. So, all those periods of low interest rates and stimulus led into an issue where inflation could become out of control and one of the strongest way to fight it is by increasing interest rates. Now, when this happens, it will have a trickle effect across the entire market and first hit speculative assets, as we discussed earlier.
We are seeing large amount of people losing their jobs, hundred and thousands of layoffs each week ( I am seeing along on LinkedIn and my circle is small ) where the average salary for these individuals jobs are 150k-250k+ base, not including bonuses. So, these people are losing their jobs and we might think they could have possibly jumped on the bandwagon of making money with pokemon in 2019+beyond years, and well we will touch on this in the next section.
We are seeing housing market take a huge hit, automotive take a huge hit (due to insane amounts of repos being reports due to delinquency in car notes).
Once again, remember this, when you have a large population and you drop interest rates to 0% and hand out stimulus, nothing is free, inflation will come knocking on your door like a fire breathing dragon and you will have to fight it. Those years of “good” times will be remembered as years of regret by many. Many will have spent their money and not properly saved/invested and instead put all their excess income into some form of speculative asset on the hopes of making quick returns.
Everything I am talking about here you can swap out for any speculative asset and it will be the same story for the most part, some minor differences but speculative assets are speculative assets and how you treat those is the same no matter what that asset is.
Pre Multiple Catalyst/Bull Run
Now, that we have covered some information about current economic issues, lets take a quick look at what happened specifically with Pokémon.
- We had a large influx of influencers/YouTubers/TikTok/instagram/whatnot/eBay/ Gurus who were making insane money and flaunting it with the public.
- We just entered into the pandemic and the FED kicked off a period of low interest rates + stimulus.
- Businesses and specifically IT (I use IT because I work in IT) took advantage of the low interest rates to secure long term loans and use that money to expand rapidly to increase their stock prices (if publicly traded).
- Through lower rates and increased budgets for businesses, total comp packages for employees started to drastically rise, roles that paid 100k in 2018 (base salary) are now paying 220k base. Thats over a 2x rise in a few years.
- Many people were negatively impacted and seen hard times; however, many people also seem moments of larger amounts of excess income thus able to Invest it into speculative assets (in my opinion horrible but can’t save everyone).
Here are just a few catalysts that I have personally seen/experienced, in the years following 2018, where Pokémon prices started to sharply rise fairly fast. This is important because, with all speculative assets, when you have moments of large:
- Amounts of volatility
- New interesting/volume entering the market (new collectors/investors)
- Scarce Product (people scalping everything driving up prices - vintage being no longer printed yet somehow it keeps hitting sales places lol)
- Exposure of a market niche to millions who didn’t even realize it was a investment
You can run into some serious issues and understanding how to analyze those catalyst will allow you the ability to try and gauge the future movement. The questions you have to ask your self are:
- What are all the current major catalysts
- How does each of these catalyst impact the overall niche
- Will the catalyst be enough to maintain momentum once it is over
- Who is buying/selling
- Who is speculating and who is collecting
- What is the view point on the majority that is buying/selling
Now these are not every single question; however, some of the more important ones that I feel you need to answer before entering into any investment.
Another interesting area you need to look at is previous market momentum / behavior prior to a volatile period and you also have to ask your self are you in the short term or long term, period (we touch on this more later).
You can use eBay listing and auction sites as an example to gather price points and I am sure websites exist that already track all of this data for free
So, you can go look for your self and see as an example I will use Team Rocket legendaries (birds/dogs).
Back in 2018 PSA 9-10 Entei Ex Team Rocket was around 70-110 USD. During the 2019+beyond it reached 600-800, that’s almost a 6x07x return on investment. Now, I don’t know where else you can see these type of insane returns; however, this ties into what we normally see where we have a speculative asset, encounter some of the questions I asked earlier. If we didn’t have any of those conditions we will most likely not have hit any of these insane 7x returns and I am sure other areas seen much larger ROI.
However, back on topic, you have to ask your self:
- Why is the price rising so fast
- Is this sustainable
- Is the growth healthy or emotionally volatile
- Who is exposed (meaning who is buying the most and if things go south/north who will be impacted the most)
These questions are extremely important because, if you feel that a asset jumping 7x in a few years is sustainable and healthy, well… it’s not. This is insane and this will cause lots of people to enter the market who honestly are not here to Collect they are here to invest and I use this word lightly.
They see everyone making money, they have excess money, so they try to and make a few bucks on a speculative asset without actually understanding anything.
A lot of this comes into philosophy and we will touch on this in later sections; however, it’s important that we understand unhealthy growth vs healthy growth and what you experienced the last few years is unhealthy which is unsustainable rate of growth. This does not mean long term prices wont rise; it just means that the rate of which growth occurred and how the market rises across the board in prices, will likely not be realized again unless similar situations present them selves once again.
Understand Investment Philosophy
So, I know many people on this forum and in the discord are hardcore and are more savvy then the average person. However, we must realize that we are out numbered greatly by the average person. So, when we make decisions we can draw on our expertise; however, we must think how the average person will react. The reason for this is because they are the majority, they control the volume (unless some shadow cabal exists that controls the gates on all sealed/graded high end products and in that case I would never want to be in this market for either collecting or investment lol) and they control market moves. If they get scared they will impact the market much more than us, if they are bullish they can drive the market higher much faster than us.
This important because many people when they start their investment journey always think how THEY would approach. However, this is not accurate. You need to understand the view points of the majority, the ones who control the volume.
- Why is this important and how does it tie into Pokémon specifically?
We need to first understand all the previous section in this post so far and we will understand that the majority are not educated investors. They will be the average person, who is hearing from influencers that they can take $10,000 and possibly turn it into $50,000 in a few years because the short term rate of growth due to the multiple unhealthy catalysts that the Pokémon niche experienced. These average people will most likely not perform proper market analysis and will try to take advantage of using credit/debt to acquire their base pokemon portfolio, with the intents on holding for a few years then selling.
Some on the other hard will be business minded, take out loans taking advantage of the low interest rates being offered to businesses, to take advantage of the short term gains.
However, we need to realize that both of these types of investors are bad. They can destroy a market if left uncheck and honestly I don’t think anyone can stock them at this point. If they get spooked and they need to liquidate they will. This is called a Shake-out event. You will have people jump in trying to ride the wave on short term, they will over expose them selves (using credit/leverage and money they dont have or cant’ afford to lose) trying to gamble on a speculative asset to make quick bucks.
So, when hard times come, such as discussed earlier in this post, tied into the fact we know they are only here for short term gains and are most likely over exposed to their pokemon niche by sinking large amount of their excess cash or leveraged debt, when back times come, they will be forced to liquidate or they will HODL as the price drops rapidly and then it becomes a race to see who will be left holding the bag.
This is not specific to pokemon, this happens every day, month, year on all speculative assets.
Once again, please remember we are talking about the majority, and us in this form/discord are NOT the majority.
Short Term vs Long Term
Now, this section is a bit difficult to fully gauge because everyone want to talk about investment in regards to length of term for vestment and when they can realize their profits or losses.
Pokémon is, lets keep it simple, 30 years old. The last few years seen unprecedented growth that has not been realized in the entire history of this speculative asset. Now, would it make sense to say the last few years growth is reflective of the overall 30 years rate of growth? Probably not, however, everyone’s view on length of vestment is different.
Some investors may see 30 years are short, some might see that as long. Some might see 5 months as a long time and other might see it as short. It’s all about a personal question of the time it takes for you to expect to see some form of positive or negative returns.
In my personal opinion, I would not consider the past few years reflective of the overall growth rate and instead, look at the steady growth overall of the 30 years if I am getting in to hold long term.
On the flip side, I definitely took advantage of the rapid growth to make some flips, I am not ashamed, I seen opportunists and I took them. This is the only where I had 100% profit return from each purchase regarding a TCG. I was extremely excited haha, my DBZ purchases were horrible and I lost quite a bit but once again, no one can accurately predict the future.
My opinion on the short term is this:
Within the new few months - 1 year, we will realize a sharp decline due to shake outs and economic conditionings worsening. All the people who entered the market making poor investment choices will be forced to liquidate thus causing a sharp decline, it will be a short steady decline at first as the larger long term investors start liquidating their positions because they know, the short term growth is not sustainable and they would rather liquidate nd reduce their expose to a negative market dip. I am not saying the entire market will collapse; however, I have a strong opinion that we will see prices eventually touch back to 2018 highs. When, I can’t say, but this is my opinion that in the future we will see those again. Unless markets go insane new rounds of catalyst kick off and drive the market higher, which at the moment seem unlikely as we must fight inflation.
Long term:
We will see continued growth as long as the Pokémon IP continues to grow and maintain relevance among both young and old generations.
What Are Speculative Assets
So, this entire time you have been reading this post and if you are curious about speculative assets you can find many resources online that explain what they are so I am not going to deep dive it; however for sake of this post.
When you look an asset it has IV and EV. Implicit value and Extrinsic Value.
IV could be the cost of materials used and EV is the value on top of that cost of material/labor/whatever else it took to create the asset.
When you have a asset where the EV is multiple folds higher then you start running into the risk of people jumping into a market to gamble on a speculative asset. One of the most popular speculative asset markets is the Housing market. We all know the base cost to build a house; however, many people would speculate on future market conditions/house prices, buy up a bunch of houses, fix them up, then sell for a profit beyond what they invested.
They were speculating that the price of the market would continue to rise higher than the cost of manufacturing and through small investment/improvements they would be able to ask even more for the house. This is speculative investing. It’s not bad, but if you over expose your self, it could destroy you really quick since they are normally the most volatile. Other markets that are heavily regulated such as Agriculture is less speculative but agriculture futures market is a speculative market haha.
Anything can be speculative it’s just a manner of how much speculation is going on xD
No one can predict the future
If you read all this please remember, no one can predict the future, don’t believe anything I said in this post, do you own analysis and research. Learn the market, make your own educated guesses.