Opinion on questionable 1st Ed Stamp

Bought this card off eBay, was checking it out today and the stamp looks weird. Like a 3d or shadow effect. The placement of it looks good but was wondering if anyone had seen this before.

This is one of the stamp variants. I am no expert, but I have seen that before on an authentic card.

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This is a somewhat common stamp imperfection and is also the basis for the “Ghost Stamp” Pikachu error. There is a guide printed on the card directly that the stamping mechanism is supposed to detect and line up with, which is what you’re seeing under the stamp. When it is misaligned it produces that sort of 3D illusion.

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Thanks for your replies! Sounds good and makes sense :slight_smile:

Im no expert, but im pretty sure this is normal for 1st base cards (not sure if it applies outside of base). I have several cards that have the 3D effect, with those angular letters. Think its just the way theyre printed. Heres one of my slabbed charmanders to ease ur anxy lol

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The TLDR is that this is because a template “E ITION” was printed onto the card to align the stamp and sometimes the alignment isn’t perfect so you end up with this “3D” effect