Hey just wanna know what some of you guys think of buying graded base set 2 cards other than to complete a collection? Since there’s no real 1st edition cards and they are just reprints of base, jungle and fossil I’m guessing they’re really not that great of a investment opportunity vs original base set jungle and fossil 1st edition cards. Would love to hear what you guys think!
I like base set 2, it’s one of the few WOTC sets that hasn’t had its growth spurt yet
See that’s what had me a little sceptical there plenty of gem mints floating around at sub 100 prices so it just made me think ok either this set hasn’t spiked for some reason or its kind of one of those unpopular sets ya know?!
right now the craze is about the earlier sets, I think Base Set 2’s time is coming. its just a matter of time.
You have two ‘reprint’ sets of earlier WOTC cards, Base Set 2 & Legendary Collection,
The fact the Leg Collection has super cool reverse foils, also ‘Legendary’ in the name & the difficulty in scoring high grades makes it more appealing to collectors, so Base Set 2 has been a bit forgotten about…
However Base Set 2s time will come, obviously as prices are increasing, collectors will start too look for alternatives especially if wanting to collect in Gem Mint grades, the fact that sealed product is still hard too come by and collectors take less care of Base Set 2 stands it in good stead too have a price surge sometime over the next 24 months,
Usually it takes a high profile collector too start showing an interest in acquiring a full set and then others will want too to, on the contrary though, never expect these cards to reach similar levels as 1st Edition Wotc or even Legendary Collection, unfortunately the greater appeal just is not there for a lot of collectors,
That’s my thoughts on it anyways, would love to hear more, always like a good ol discussion on Base Set 2!
I’m glad you brought up that comparison between base set 2 and legendary because that’s exactly what was confusing me I didn’t get why one sold so much higher than the other ! Thanks for that clarification!!!
Mint/gem mint condition base two I also believe have been overlooked but will have their day. The reason being there WERE collectors back then loving base jungle fossil. Then base 2 came out and there was no collectible market for them but a lot of play value and played they were. So mint+ ones should be desireable in the future.
I think Base 2 growth will be existent but underwhelming. There’s limited appeal to the set. Always has been. It’s a worse investment than other WOTC sets and should only be pursued by collectors.
That’s my opinion.
Base set 2 is a beautiful rendition of Base unlimited with the Cosmos holofoil. I have not voiced it too publicly, although I prefer the Cosmos holofoil to their Shadowed Galaxy foil unlimited Base counterparts. It’s a great set to look at. Wigglytuff is a rough grade, so if you get it, hold it close & remember that. I had probably 3 people offering over $200 for my extra.
I also graded a decent bit & did not hit as many 10s as unlimited Base. It forced me not to grade them too much since 8s/9s were basically a loss at the time. Out of the pack they looked great though.
Overlooked set for sure!
So I know I may sound like a bit of a loser but is this the same gemmintpokemon from youtube lol?! I completely agree that it’s a nice set to look at and alot of the reason I asked this question whenever I’m going through my cards I always have to look at my bs2 cards I love the pattern and how vibrant the foils are and after I saw some of the pricing on graded versions when looking to complete my set, I thought wow this may be a great investment spot to start small but I had to shake myself and get my question on here first before I let my excitement get the better of my wallet lol
This. Even during the height of Pokemon, if there was something other than a base 2 booster pack, I was getting it. Not many kids were excited about it and even then base 2 Charizards were considered second tier. I think continues today, the art was reprinted and doesn’t have the appeal of LC, its almost like a step down from the original prints.
I remember when this set came out as a kid and I wasn’t as excited about this set compared to the unlimited set, now i feel some what the same I think lacking a 1st edition killed this set too for me as well.
Yes sir! The PSA 9s at auction will be your best bet. As mentioned above, don’t expect big gains from buying this set. It will go up, after everything else does.
Thank you everyone for all of your input greatly appreciated! I shall tread lightly!